
I keep re-watching, and I am not seeing what you’re seeing.

As a Black woman, I feel compelled to comment on the scene with Daniel. First, I’ve had many of the same conversations with my friends, that Issa and her girlfriends had about giving head, and I can relate. I can relate to women who have the stigma of being viewed as forever-a-hoe if they give head, and some women who

“Where was it supposed to go?” That genuinely made me laugh out loud!

I see different opinions on here about whether Issa had a right to be mad at Daniel. But we can at least all agree that she had no reason to be mad at the other men in her hoe-tation, right?

First of all I LOVE this show AND your recap of it. My question is being a male I want to know why Issa flipped out like she did. Now I am a African American in my late 40s and I do know there is a White Woman/Black Woman difference when it comes to BJs. When I was in High School( a predominately White HS in TEXAS)

I must need to rewatch the scene, because I thought he was just caught up in the pleasure. I didn’t see the holding her down, especially since the money shot was when she was raised up...and after his pre-warning.

Saying Daniel abused Issa’s trust is a reach. He was about to cum, got caught up in the moment and let off a stray shot - it happens. It’d be one thing if he didn’t give any forewarning at all and just did a pre-meditated nut in Issa’s face, but that wasn’t what happened.

THANK YOU!! I thought it was just me too that didn’t understand why Issa was mad or why Daniel was made out to be the villan in this article😒

I guess it must be a straight-girl thing, but I could not figure out what Issa was so pissed off about. Daniel gave warning that it was about to happen and Issa didn’t get out of the way—it happens. I’ve never seen anyone get angry over a little “friendly fire” (and yes, I’ve been on the receiving end as well, and

That was more of a no-tation than a hoetation.

Well, that’s the kind of behavioral economics Nature Slayer was talking about; I think it’s a smart move to try to integrate sociology and psychology with economics, and I think that’s a fair summary of what Ariely’s doing.

I initially read the headline as NHL, not NIH, and while I knew Gary Bettmann was a smarmy shit I struggled to imagine even him doing something that bizarre.