
I do not like that poster for the movie. Why are her knees locked together while her lower legs at splayed apart? It just hints at some sleezy 80's teen comedy. (“Will she unlock her knees?! You’ll have to find out!” Yeech...)

I do not like that poster for the movie. Why are her knees locked together while her lower legs at splayed apart? It just hints at some sleezy 80's teen comedy. (“Will she unlock her knees?”)

#kinjaissues (sure that will be trending soon...)

I am in the same demographic as you, and I agree with pretty much *everything* that you’ve written. It really did seem like an accident. Maybe the show will explore their mutual viewpoints in future episodes. I’m not sure that most 20-somethings understand the importance of communication after misunderstandings like

I don’t know how, but this seems to work.


Hey, Powerthirteen, what do you think of Dan Arielly’s “Predictably Irrational” books?