Athlete name and pun

See? Despite being all critical and “The Blue Jays should be trying to win and give their fans something to be excited by” Deadspin never mentions the positive aspects of keeping Guerrero in the minors. For instance, with what they pay Minor Leaguers, he won’t be able to afford three meals a day. 

I’ve never seen my life summed up so perfectly. 


Bryce Harper At His Phillies Press Conference: “The Academy Award for Best Picture goes to La La Land.

Objectively, this protest worked. Living in Canada, I would never have heard of pro-Confederacy marches in Mississippi in 2019 otherwise. I certainly hadn’t heard or read anything about this outrage yet.

I’m not sure what the big deal is. I’m sure thousands of Packers owners have paid for prostitutes.

He got suspended for being single and on Ashley Madison, a clear violation of the rules.

Yes, they’ve really put themselves out there as people who are able to read and repeat newspaper articles. Maybe the next award they win they can do the Jumble with the audience.

They should let Ashley Feinberg vet her company’s own social media hires.

Alex Jones and Andy Dick? That sounds amazing.

The girl who did that was probably his mom.

The POTUS Tweeted out, mocking the Trail of Tears abuse and slaughter of Native Americans - and the fucking Left steps on its own dick by overrunning the news cycle with this self-devouring bullshit. Nobody in the GOP is calling Orange Shithead and Orange Shithead Junior for mocking the REAL deaths of thousands of

That foot locking thing by Borschart was a cheap move.  He deserved everything he got.  

Of course it’s binary. Either you’re getting some, or you’re not.

I hope the prison guards got Lam burgers.

I see the deregulation and privatization of the U.S. penal system is proceeding apace. Taxpayers being well-served by these tax cuts.

Update: the company is Texas Prisoner Transport Services, according to police.

Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole