Athlete name and pun

This is the correct take. Gervais is a cockwomble.

Moore wasn’t too optimistic about Trump being a one-term president either.

Exercise responsibly, drink heavily.

I have to really give Felix credit, he’s made me take a second look at this game, and I’ve been hooked for most of this year! I know he’s a controversial guy, but he’s really made an impact on my life, and I bet he’ll continue to do so in the future, when a racist fan of his will scream his name before shooting to

I just read an interview with a Naughty Dog developer, and he made a great point about today’s video game landscape: innovation is not at the forefront anymore. A lucrative formula has been found (grind for materials and crafts in an open world with main and side quests), so there’s no reason for most studios and

Technically, china isn’t communism but stalinism. And we are getting closer and closer to switching to it.

I really don’t see how this is hypocritical. I’m sure the truckloads of money spark a lot of joy for her.

You have a great embarrasing moment story. Embrace it and tell it as often as you can until you are immune to the shame you feel.

I, uh... thank you. I now feel better about every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done.

I was a groomsman in a wedding, and just before the bride walked down the aisle, while lined up at the altar, my (poorly tailored...) tuxedo pants fell down in front of 100+ people.

Well. When a Mach-E smokes a GT in acceleration tests maybe they’ll change the name of the ICE one to Probe.


I like it other than the fact it is called a Mustang (and also that grill).

If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

My father is in his 80's now, and over his life he has owned at least 7 different model years of the Buick Skylark.

Can you guys add more auto-play videos? They’re a nice distraction from the constant screaming, crying, and incoherently babbling voices in my head.

They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

And the floor was lava.

TL;DR it’s none of your fucking business.

So now we’re shitting on people for reaching the right conclusion but not being super aware of world events in their 20's. Just wanna be clear on this. That’s our new bar. You suck if you didn’t know about stuff in your 20's that you should have.