Athlete name and pun

“What is the sound of one hand punching .... YOUR FACE

You get a bean! and you get a bean! everyone gets a bean!!

Hell, if the Red Sox were trying to lose, they should all be banned from baseball

There are numerous examples of this kind of round-number-chasing in meaningless September/October games; leave it to the Red Sox to shit away a full season THEN get their sanctimonious panties in a bunch when the opposition reminds them they are playing in meaningless games.

“I’m just happy our guys are playing the game the right way,” Cora said.

Now playing

A much more acceptable reason? If Dwight were a fan of the purple stuff from Sunny D commercials.

Well, fuck. There goes all the Lou Marsh award suspense.

I haven’t been this proud to be Canadian since the 2016 US presidential election.

Pam went to Pratt art school. Highly unlikely that she’d be a conservative.

Jack Ryan is the American ideal in one tightly knit package: he knows everything, is physically at the peak, is a rugged individual who is always against impossible odds, who can look experts in the eye and say ‘I know better than you’, and ultimately discards all negotiation in favor of brusque violence.

I still cannot buy him as an action hero of any kind.

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

I'm surprised some annoying dude off camera wasn't talking the whole time.

They should blame the real culprit responsible for taking far too many innocent lives: puke.

I think the ad placement says more about you than about the site.  I got lady’s swimwear ads.

Seriously with this title? Come the fuck on you guys. Do better. Do you actually believe Netflix said to Old Navy “hey go find some white employees to have in the background” of Queer Eye?  

Because no matter their feelings, political animals will always choose the “pragmatic” approach in order to solidify their relationship to centers of power.

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”