
I think the word "decent" should do, as well.

Aaaaa, John Cusack was there?? This was my first SDCC and I didn't see a single celebrity (excluding all of the of fabulous comic book artists I met), so thank you for posting these photos!

I'm so glad I'm not alone on this! I still prefer pads. If something's going into my hoo-hah it'd better be followed by either an orgasm or a bill from my gyno.

Oooohhhh!! Hahahaha, I'm sorry - dammit, I'm dense!!

Aww c'mon, that was a sidenote and hardly the entire point of my comment! Besides, this is in a fashion feature!

That's what I was thinking! I'm not nuts about the red-white-and-blue decor, but then, I'm not terribly patriotic. The fact that they can decorate 'em as they please, though, and then have no fear about showing them off? Fabulous.

Agreed! In fact, I suggest they change the "Cheapskate" square to "Talked incessantly about how much money he/she makes." Because, thus far, that's been my #1 Bad Date Red Flag.

Ten points to Mila Kunis for enjoying a good dick joke!

"... is what children resort to when they have no other weapons."

Transgendered and transsexual, I believe?

I just learned that LGBT had been changed to GLBTTQ this past weekend! This is the first time I've seen it written out, though. :)

Aauuggh, what horrible horrible children! To do that to a 79-year-old woman!!

Hah! Imagine my surprise when I scrolled down and saw this in the comments. :) Thanks guys!

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm glad you offered a balance to this article in your comment! But if I were knocked up, I'd much rather go into it thinking that my pregnancy will be awful, scary, and bizarre.

Seconded on Jenna Elfman's outfit! She encouraged an audible "My, aren't YOU cute?" from me the moment I saw her photo. Those pants are the opposite of poopy!

Aww, I don't think other people's horror stories are useless at all! (I'm glad you shared the positive changes, though!) Not everyone's pregnancy is gonna go smoothly, and I think it's important for women to know this going in. Otherwise, it's like getting married without ever considering "I might have to wipe this

"Cosleeping isn't illegal..."

Maaaaan, I know I'm gonna be alone on this one, but... I really (rilly rilly) want to like Anderson Cooper, and I don't.

Mark me among the one-in-four who's on the lookout for the perfectly unemployed househusband.

Your first take on obesity - that it's essentially "a disease" and that buying a second seat should be a "medical expense" - is spot-on.