
Oooh I love the Hershey kiss = 4 min of kissing bit! I'm lucky my long-distance man is freaking fantastic at making out with me, 'cause he brings a LOT of chocolate when he visits...

As one of the original "I don't own a TV" snobs, I'm flabbergasted that they REPORT THIS SHIT ON THE NEWS. What is this, the 1950's? It's like reporting a kitten stuck in a damn tree!

Ah, thank you for the great quote! I don't feel comfortable with the idea of celebrating a murder, but I'm certainly glad he's gone.

Oh my god, Internet and refrigeration, that is such a good first-world "which would you rather" question!

WHOA, she couldn't get a credit card because she was a self-employed woman??

Welp, congratulations, you learned something about America, hon.

In fairness, bare boobs may be the only things that could make those pants look better.

I didn't realize they did that on purpose! I myself am VERY unlikely to check out a shirt if it's folded up neatly, 'cause I know that shirt ain't NEVER gonna be as neat as I found it. I suck at folding!

I'm not even going to read more than one or two of the comments below before making my own, because I know there's gonna be a lot of snarky responses.

I'm a skinny little thing, too, but most of my overweight (I HATE that word) friends are far more healthy than I am. We all eat healthy, but they actually work out - damn near all of them are hitting the gyms several times a week to kick off the weight they gained in college, and during their rough

Funny enough, I employ this tactic on a smaller scale.

Aw, I think pot has so dang little to do with responsibility!

(Aww, gosh golly, thanks!)

Yeeeeeaah, I was about to link to this on my Twitter account and laugh and laugh... but then I read the additional info about her, uh, mental situation.

@Ms.Frost Easy, there. She wasn't dissing married couples, just pointing out a common problem. In my experience, nearly every poly person I've talked to has felt equal (not superior/inferior) to those who are monogamous. Most of us started out monogamous, after all.

Aw man, I've been accused of being "afraid of commitment" since my second boyfriend, and basically throughout the entirety of my monogamous relationships. For a long time, I believed it.

This is a really good point that I hadn't considered at all, thanks!

This may make me a bad candidate for future parenthood, but... is the box of penis gummis really that big a deal? It's not like Katie was giving her daughter blowjob lessons with a life-size dick-shaped lollipop. Now THAT would be news!

"seriously, dear sir, is rude and insulting? seriously?!"

Eep - I should add (just read your last paragraph more thoroughly):