
Missionary is so underrated! It's the perfect position for lazy women like me. It's like vacation sex. I think we should call it The Lounge Chair.

@screwy: Man, I'm with you on this. While my eyes bulge at the thought of four different woman wanting to be with a giant dork like Kody, I'm impressed at how "together" the family seems to be. It's not my bag, but I understand the logistics, and I fully support their decision.

@no clever name: Guh, hope you feel better soon! (Stuffed McPedros are coming out soon, just got the prototype, :D :D :D :D !!!!!)

I only recently realized that there are notifications for replies! I'm a little slow. :) Thanks guys! <3

Haha, awww, you guys are really sweet, thanks! :B

Clearly I need to learn how to pronounce "egalitarian" correctly, because I don't want to sound like an asshat when I start using it to describe myself.

As a writer I feel I'm a bit biased, but... as long as she's not identifying these women (describing the hair, face, etc.) to correspond with their sand bag-like boobies, I don't see a problem with this at all.

Pssht!! Is this seriously news??

Amen! If I had a nickel for every time someone assumed I'm "healthy" because I'm thin. I haven't gone for a good run since the last time my friends and I drunkenly raced each other to the bar. I breathe heavy after scaling a staircase. I drink A LOT.

Am I the only one who thinks Elmo was running away because he was scared her boobs would pop out and smack him?

I was surprised to read so many "HELLS NO" comments below, as I live in a hippie town and never wear make-up. Most of my fellow townies do the same, which makes it easy to fit in despite my not-so-great skin.

Oh man, the fact that you're considering the influence of your actions on your daughter's upbringing already means SO much!

In my opinion? This is frightening and unfortunate and ENTIRELY NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF FACEBOOK.

It still totally cracked me up, and she's still totally hot!*

Oh good, I'm not the only one with phone-phobia. I don't trust anything that talks to me without a face. *shudder*

@LadySublue: I can't insert a tampon either, I absolutely hate it! Luckily, EVERY guy I've used a female condom with has inserted it for me.

I'm not sure female condoms will do much for their cause (like someone else mentioned here, those men who don't want to use male condoms are not likely to stick their dicks in one of these either), but I for one REALLY like female condoms. I wish more people knew about and used them.

The new faces are great! Much younger-looking!

Assuming this is true, I'm in the exact opposite camp; I see photos of myself and think, "That's not me - I look WAY better than that!"

I breezed through the article and got more of a "We accept our pets 100%; why can't we accept our spouses?" vibe from it. Which I think is pretty brilliant.