Wow, way to put a wedge between skinny and round girls. Because, as you know, there's a war between us and we hate each other.
Wow, way to put a wedge between skinny and round girls. Because, as you know, there's a war between us and we hate each other.
Oh how wonderful is this woman! I'm so glad there's a fabulous personality behind my nerd-crush from the 80's (I'm too young to say "from the late 70's").
I don't think there was anything bratty about this gal's interview. There was certainly something ten-year-old about it, though. :)
BTW, check out comment #37 by Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling (Sir? Really?) - it confirms a lot of my own suspicions.
Whoa, I had no idea men could lactate! I'm shocked by all the super-negative comments under this article (not on Jezebel, but onthe original article).
I had a peek at Jim Mahfood's contribution to this, and it's a ton of fun!
Jezebel, you didn't NEED to win my heart over by including an XKCD comic. You'd already won it, you know.
Hahahahaha!! This guy is my new hero.
Oh thank you THANK YOU Psychological Science for finally explaining it to men! Now if only men would read this article.
If Glenn has to be this outlandish and ridiculous to illustrate his opinion, it truly speaks volumes about him.