
does this writer understand how government works?

Anthony Edward and Eric Stoltz are Sean Penn’s stoner buds in Fast Times and Ridgemont High.

After reading about Marc Anthony and his soon to be child bride, it’s nice read about a great age appropriate couple.

My daughter had to watch Top Gun in grade 10 for some reason that escapes me now. I was upstairs at one point and all I heard was “Nooooooooo, Goooooooooose.” 

I’m nowhere near an expert on Jewish texts, but I am more familiar with a lot of the state level laws that would be put in place or are being attempted. Many of them don’t have carveouts for rape, incest or age of the mother. With the exception of the last one I think “life of the mother” could be endangered from the

Jewish leaders across the spectrum have always argued that Judaism views abortion differently than Christianity.

Stephen Colbert, back in his Colbert Report days, hit the nail on the head when he said that the US guarantees the inalienable freedom for everyone to accept Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior.

Because abortion was legal. I do remember seeing a Samantha Bee segment last year where this was discussed.

Wait what? Why haven’t they spoken up sooner?

“Religious freedom” has always only meant “religious freedom for white Evangelical Christians.” I recall a few years ago Louisiana was going to start a voucher program that could be used for private religious schools, but it ran into opposition when Republicans realized that those vouchers could also be used by

Murder doesn’t occupy a moral grey area. The philosophical question of at what point does a fetus become a human person varies very much from religion to religion. Some view abortion as murder while some see it as less significant than having a cyst removed. There’s a similar divide over male circumcision but the

Satanists have been making the same argument, abortion is a religious right. I believe there’s currently a court case in Texas over it?

Source? I thought that was another defamation case, so the issue wasn’t whether she actually WAS abused by Depp, but whether reporting that she was, based on Heard’s own statements, wasn’t technically illegal (a pretty low bar!)

While I sure don’t know who telling the truth in this case and I’m waiting for it to near it’s end before I form an opinion. But as to the UK trial, that looked kinda sketch when you find out that Justice Andrew Nicol (judge on the case) son Robert Palmer works for Talkradio(owned by the Sun). Talkraido also employs

No, I understand that, but people do have a tendency to talk about the case in the UK as though JD was found guilty of domestic violence, which is not what happened.

Yes, in that Amber Heard will not be held criminally responsible for the abuse she piled on him, so nothing is legally proven in either case, as is insinuated in the above comment.

That was a defamation case.  Nothing was proven in that case. 

The reason this is so compelling is that it appears that she basically lied about him under the auspices of “me too” and “time’s up” to just basically tank his career, and now, she seems to be getting her comeuppance. If you want to talk about Ukraine, go post on an article there. SMH.

She said the money had already been donated. She lied. Shocking, I know.
