
I already loved that interview, but knowing why Jones was in Grundy’s face made it even better.

Yeah but those punks were gonna bring the collapse of western civilization!

It’s really revealing about the politics of UK punk that the Sex Pistols weren’t ‘just being yobs’ when they were being rude to Bill Grundy in that famous interview, they were standing up for their teenage friends that Grundy was being disgusting towards.

Not only did Rotten call him (Saville) out, the BBC banned him from any of their programs for daring to smear Saville’s name.

Also, 138 pounds at 5'9" is a perfectly normal, healthy weight.

3 eggs for breakfast isn’t a miserable breakfast?
I eat more than 900 calories but I don’t eat a massive breakfast. I have 2 eggs and veggies sometimes. What’s the big deal? 

I expect the republicans do to everything they can to make sure Yes votes don’t count.

Sure thing, Crystal.

“No big deal” led to a r*ped child (not even a TEEN) having to give birth.

The problem is really with the bunch of pro-choice people who still constantly vote Republican because of the siren song of lower taxes. Sadly, there seems to be a pretty big demographic that will NEVER find reproductive freedom as compelling as hoarding that extra bit of cash.

Are you stupid or really fucking stupid?

Dear Nebraska,

Are you on drugs?

There’s no guarantees, but this does make me hopeful. Abortion rights tend to do pretty good when folks get the chance to vote on them directly, as opposed to being filtered through a deeply anti-choice Republican-dominated state government.

I actually like it when a male artist doesn’t change the genders in a song he’s covering that was originally sung by a women. It displays a certain comfort with oneself. 

Of course, cover songs can sometimes be better than the originals. See: All Along the Watchtower and I Will Always Love You.

When did the collective Left-leaning blogosphere decide to turn on these two

They are an interracial couple who was horribly mistreated by the British press.  And they also exaggerated this story. Both things can be true.

Maybe! Though it seems like two people who are very much used to being in the public eye would have realized that the existing footage would disprove their story and they had no legal right to it before they made the claims that they made. I agree though. Who knows.

but because they felt unsafe and wanted to expose the people who put them in that position.”