
“faith” CAN have purpose and meaning to an individual.

I know that god loves me & would never want me to deprive myself of beer & barbecue, or tacos 

We weren't voting for biden so much as we were voting against trump

We tried harder than we ever have before when Beto lost to Cruz by less than 3 points, but now all the left-leaning voters are disillusioned and aren’t going to show up at the polls this year at all.  A self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s time to out the people who reported her. Let’s scrutinize their choices instead.

This happened at the Oscars in front of a live audience and the entire world saw it. The entire world is allowed to have an opinion, sorry if that pisses you off. You don’t have to agree with what people say and god knows there’s been a lot of hypocrisy and hot takes and people should think twice before making their

How is it “our conversation”?  It happened live on international television between two superstars and this is a gossip website.  

I was not aware there was a cultural monopoly on assault.

But only one is wearing it in her size. 

You forgot to mention that he wants to fuck his daughter. 

Donald Trump has actually sexually assaulted people, was a friend of Epstein, has made inappropriately sexual comments about girls, supported Roy Moore, and almost certainly exposed children to trafficking given his horrible immigration policies but he’s somehow the god-emperor of people who pretend to care about

Agreed. I don’t think being trans should automatically disqualify anyone from competing. But a couple years ago there was a big uproar over 2 trans highschool girls competing in women's track. I apologize if I'm not remembering correctly, but I'm pretty sure they hadn't started a medical transition. Many progressives

Yeah, but why do something that makes sense and helps level the playing field when you can just be a raging bigot?

I adopted a ten-month-old infant and an acquaintance who was a La Leche supporter harassed the crap out of me about inducing lactation. Lady, I’m the sole breadwinner of my family and in my early 40s. I will not be inducing lactation! I’m probably sensitive about the whole breastfeeding issue, in general, simply

Can someone give me credible scientific evidence that breast feeding a three year old boosts its immune system?  I breast fed both of mine but if the kid is old enough to have a temper tantrum then they are old enough to be weaned.  

I don’t have kitten pictures but here’s my Buddy, dragging every stuffed animal he owns into the living room. The funniest thing is if they go off that rug, he won’t play with them, they have to be on the rug. So many rules.....

He needs real therapy, and medication.

Can we put Putin and Kanye on one of Bezos’ rockets and shoot them both into outer space? Maybe Trump too?  Just enough already with these dipshit egomaniacs. 

ah sorry, those are hypothetical comments that I’m still virtually certain Hannity made:  “I want to ask Bruce how awesome it was to win the 76 decathlon...I wonder how laid he got afterwards?  speaking of which does he still have his...thing?”

She’s lived her entire adult life in a bubble. She has no idea how the rest of us live.