
I’m 36. I started greying in earnest about 4 years ago. Men now leave me all the way the fuck alone.

Wait until you’re told to calm down.

I understand the sentiment but at the same time, I’m a little terrified by the amount of responses here praising mask wearing even now that most of us (at least here in the US) are vaccinated or have access to vaccines. I get that men can be awful but hiding ourselves away under layers of cloth to not have to deal

Ive got a nice long streak of grey hair that seems to chase men away. I'm never dyeing my hair again.

I love wearing a mask!  Men have stopped telling me to smile.

As a woman of a certain age, who no longer attracts the male gaze and is not at all unhappy about it, I have noticed that strange men are more attentive and friendly now that I wear a mask. Of course this is in places like the grocery store, liquor store and other mandatory socially distanced settings. I assume it’s

Speaking as a post-menopausal woman whose HRT has given me a noticeable ‘stache and soul patch, the expected long-term wearing of masks is the only upside of the pandemic.

Yeah, there’s no statute of limitations on how long the victims are affected by it.

Unfortunately, she is probably being blamed for her husband’s actions, for not keeping a devout enough home, not being a good enough/enticing enough wife, if only she had been more doting on him, he wouldn’t have done this etc etc.

Their concern was far less the redeeming power of Jesus Christ and more the risk of bad publicity to their financial empire.

I wonder how many times he’ll charge the goddamned idiots who buy his merch

Every time we encounter a turtle on the road, we pull over and pick it up so it won’t get hurt.

Will she appoint Kim as Attorney General, despite her lack of a law degree?

This is the version I heard, that the child dragged the cat (maybe trying to pick it up?) and then tossed it.

Welp, I made the mistake of clicking the links and reading more about the story. The kid apparently stomped on the cat and threw her up in the air so hard that she died. Then the other 7 people in the family beat the shit out of the lady until bystanders pulled them off her. 

Christ, what an asshole.

Looking forward to Ben Shapiro tying himself into knots stumping for Caitlyn. Remember when Ted Cruz had to eat Trump’s shit?

(I’m skeptical she’ll do well, but what the hell do I know? I thought Hillary was going to win.)

This woman is grossly overestimating her popularity. It appears she has 11m followers on IG but someone should explain to her what a hate-follow is...

There was a time I could laugh at shit like this.

I mean, if the GOP is going to lose, they may as well lose in the dumbest way possible