
Looking at her unlined skin, she’s likely younger than I. But the hairstyle is my little Lithuanian grandma’s of forty years ago.

Karen Pence, ready to write a new chapter of her life.

the family is losing its edge ... or maybe its not as much fun anymore if they’re not breaking the Hatch Act.

Every time I see her face I automatically think, “Cunt.” 

Fascist Barbie

I’m shocked she didn’t use the opportunity to hawk stupid shit to her idiot followers.

I’m conflicted again! :D

wait... That’s Khloe?? She looks great but if she’d said it wasn’t her, I would believe it because this is unrecognizable.

How could she not? Didn’t she overhear her mother telling a friend that she needed a nose job? And the kid was 9 at the time, IIRC. And look at Kylie - she’s almost unrecognizable compared with her younger self. Kris Jenner is a monster.

I’d be good with destroying the entire Internet (just the software, the hardware can stay) if it means we never have to hear from the Kardashians ever again.

She spent all that money on surgeries and altering her body only to fucking hate herself. Its actually kinda sad. This could have been done quietly as in, ignored or this could have been a teaching moment, a self reflection, a journey to acceptance....but she chose violence and now people are even MORE fired up to

I think that’s the point. They took her in and can’t figure out what they’re supposed to do with her. Every handbook only has instructions on how to terrorize brown people.

I’m surprised ICE did anything with her.  She’s not an immigrant fleeing from a bad country with a family that they can split up.  

Eh, think I’d not really be down with people posting pics of me from high school without my consent, being that I was a super awkward teen and all. People have complicated relationships with their high school selves and what might look like a perfectly nice photo to an outsider might trigger a lot of painful feelings

I don’t think he ever really denied it either. Maybe it’s the “horrifically” part people feel the need to call into question? Because even Ike Turner would admit he did hit her. My understanding based on the one interview I ever saw where he was asked about it was that his contention is that what he did wasn’t abuse.

Now playing

This a relic from the past but it has so much positive energy. The pause and face-off at 2:40 still gets me after 35 years. Two notes: this is BRYAN Adams, not Ryan Adams. Also, sweaty muscle man from The Lost Boys on keyboards at 2:00 for extra 1980s bonus points.

It's a reference to the conspiracy nuts who think the vaccines some how embed a chip in you.

It’s false advertising. Ceasar didn't even live there.

OMG no and no to the people starring this. She didn’t get kicked out for being black - it was because she had a mile long trail of racists tweets from her young adulthood (at 17-18 most people are leaving HS or are in college taking care of themselves).

Aging like a fine Scotch whisky.