
Those kittens were forming a caravan to cross the border and take cuteness jobs from hardworking American kittens, to be fair.

Well, they’d be Mexican kittens, so they’d be fine with it.

He could go to Cancun and tell his constituents that the purpose of his visit was to kill 1000 kittens and they wouldn’t bat an eye.


And Rush has lost his 70 year battle with social progress.

I am similarly reminded of a different quote.  When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped:  “Good.  Stay dead, motherfucker.”

He was dogshit, spoke dogshit, and made money off dogshit people. He repeatedly made fun of everyone not fat, white, and him. He routinely vocalized hate of everyone from Dems to Drug Users - until it was actually him and suddenly he wanted to be loved for ‘suffering from an affliction’ - that affliction being jamming

My earliest memory of him is when he repeatedly bullied Chelsea Clinton - who was 12 or 13 at the time - by referring to her as the White House dog. More than once. 

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

I don’t think anyone thinks it is a new phenomenon that women are treated like shit. I think what this article is getting at is that while the shitty treatment of women in the late 90's (Spears and Lewinsky, albeit in different ways) could be looked at as something that happened in a different time we’ve evolved away

Oh my God. This is fucking stupid.

You mean this photo?  What gets me is the men hanging their heads in shame; unlike President Dumb Fuck J. Drama Queen, they are shame-able.  

Getting a franchise/series can, surprisingly often, give the performer a shot of power that’s like every drug mixed together—after so many years of auditions and headshots and day jobs, suddenly you get the gold ring of red carpet premieres and steady paychecks and everyone acting like they care about your opinions!

Sarah Palin 2.0

Maybe she thinks she can get more money and fame being a right wing nut darling.

The joke’s gonna be on all the libs once our Lord and Savior re-ascends to his throne and anoints OAN as the only television company allowed in the U.S. You just wait. March 4th is coming. God’s chosen president is going to direct Ms Carano to use her badass martial arts skills to slay the Demoncrats on live TV. When

Right wing people don’t know the first thing about free speech or America in general. 

I'm so glad José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal doesn't have to pretend to support her or having to keep mum, and his effort has paid off, he's getting cast in a lot of projects, I don't feel sorry for her at all given that all she had to do is not to post her shitty thoughts on social media, yet she couldn't even do that,

I’m sorry for all the women who endured Manson’s abuse, but I am so glad to see they are speaking up for themselves and having a MeToo reckoning now. Solidarity. Fuck that guy and his shit music. There’s nothing edgy about abusing and terrorizing women.

As I posted elsewhere, I’m confused. I thought these people loved the “invisible hand of the free market.”