
Bye Felicia.

Someone is on deck for a SCOTUS nomination.

I realize that Trump lowered the bar right to the goddamn ground, but we really shouldn’t be happy when the alternative *just* clears said bar.

Yep; it was a meeting of the minds to create a perfect storm of terrible.

Of course they did, because that’s what they do.

Norma had an extremely messed up life way back to her childhood. This does not surprise me. Just another case of evangelicals being just as shitty as I imagine them to be.

He thinks CItizan Kane is about people being mean to reach people and Mutiny on the Bounty is about an evil crew betraying the good capt’. He’s not trolling he just dumb.

Because he's a moron.

Not good enough. Perhaps some of that intravenous disinfectant Daddy recommended.

I’d encourage them both to have a few pints of Clorox as a chaser, just to be on the safe side.

I have to give it to ivanka for constantly dropping tone deaf bon mots in the most “how do you do, fellow kids” way possible to an enormous audience.

Ronald Reagan and the GOP used to play Born in the USA at rallies, clearly having no idea what it was about.

Since Elon and Ivanka are so keen to take pills, how about megadoses of hydroxychloroquine.

I remember when Paul Ryan said he loved Rage Against the Machine. One of the band members had to explain to Ryan that his party, much like Elon Musk, was the machine.

Oh yes, I’m old enough to remember hearing about the Kennedy’s.
But they were rich white men, why would anyone not want to be sexually harrassed by them. /s

I’m in my 50's and it’s very hard to grasp how far we’ve come since I was growing up.
Date rape was not a thing until I was a young woman - even though it had happened to me. I certainly never had the support/language/wherewithal to talk about it.
Things have changed so much for the better - but that doesn’t mean we

For some of us the ‘90s feel like yesterday, but in fact it’s roughly 30 years ago, and some rules were different. Homosexuals were becoming accepted by many as deserving of basic civil rights, but legally recognized marriages were wishful thinking. AIDS was a fatal disease. Date rape was a thing, butdrunk people

If they ever tested positive, do you really think they’d ever announce it?

I have never seen a mask so improve a person’s looks.

You may want to edit this article. Clay Jenkins is not black. Perhaps you mean our mayor, Eric Johnson.