
I just listened to an interview with a funeral director in NY describing how the crematoriums can’t keep up. I hope they have it worse than you and if anyone should die of this thing, it should be them. And they can take the governor of Georgia and the rest of the ghouls with them. There, I said it.

I personally don’t think it’s wrong to wish ill on any monster and believe me, Trump, Pence, and the Millers are true monsters.

SO, I had COVID and let me tell you how much it suuuuucked.

You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the

Not really. Evil people should not be encouraged. If someone said back in 1943 that Hitler should die... would you chastise them?

Point of order: without attempting to slut shame in any way, no one who has any kind of anxiety about disease transmission has unprotected sex with a porn star they just met. I’ll be the first to say that porn stars are people too, and they deserve to have a sex life outside of their job. But they also understand,

Is Trump living in a sealed chamber in the WH? I’ve heard he’s a notorious germaphobe but it’s hard to believe he’s been able to dodge the virus this long.

This is a very good distinction. Unfortunately a lot of men don’t seem to be able to figure out the difference. 

What is the point of this?  I get it, Joe Biden is not the candidate you want but the alternative is four more years of Trump. Swallow the fucking pill and save our country dude.

See, the thing about the “Squad” (that is to say AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley) is that they became the Squad once they were elected and in Congress, not before.  And it wasn’t orchestrated, it was ‘organic’.

That’s because the misogynist has grabbed them by the pussy...

Yup. Who knew that running for Congress as a woman in a party that hates women would end badly?

Because their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Or they don’t have a clue what socialism actually is. Probably both.

Never interrupt your opponent when they’re busy making a mistake

It always makes me scream makes that claim, no matter the country, as what the hell does that even mean? Do they realize how much actual work being in Congress includes? It’s one of those statements that where the idiocy becomes evident when you think about it as they are basically saying they want to go and collect a

A candidate who says things like, “I have zero interest in being a professional politician,” is def the candidate conservatives deserve.

Maybe aligning themselves with people who believe white men are above everything else was their first mistake.

Good, now they can kick off their shoes, get pregnant and get back to the kitchen to make their man a sandwich the way their conservative god tells them to

The sky is blue and women get fucked over when they support misogynists.