
I’ve never been so satisfied in my choice to be childless.

This article is peak Jezebel: omg I can’t believe this Amazon-sponsored design competition that I am watching via Amazon Prime with prize provided by Amazon is so debase as to sell the designer’s designs on Amazon.

5$ she still votes for him.

You can’t fix stupid, though we try to legislate it.

Those of us who DIDN’T vote for the idiot.

Go write your shit on Breitbart, twinkerbelle!

It’s a damn shame that womans husband had to die before she realized she shouldn’t listen to any medical advice from Trump. 

Look man, there is quite a lot about coronavirus that cannot be blamed on anyone. This particular instance, however, is definitely on him. And it goes to show that in trying times like these it is very important to not listen to the President.

His cult listens to him like he’s a god emperor. He has a responsibility to the people to not peddle snake oil/unproven treatments that people will take to heart. He’s a monster who is knowingly spreading misinformation and false treatments knowing full well someone somewhere is going to listen to him because that’s

If it were effective, it would be in common use.  It hasn’t been effective.  Don’t you think the Chinese would have been using this for weeks? 

Islands in the Stream. Is.My.Jam!!!

Reminds me of how I got laid off of my last job.

My manager sent me an e-mail the night before, setting up a conference call with me, and saying that he had “some exciting opportunities” to talk to me about.

The F***er told me to pack my desk on that call.  Still pissed about that.

We will remember you, any company that tosses employees this carelessly and crazily will never get a dollar of mine.

“They don’t even have to die...”

This has gone way too far. These people are insane and need to be put into care homes.

Good to remind people that Mike Pence is a christian supremacist and I have no doubt he is filling his corona virus taskforce with “christian warriors” who could give a shit about mitigating the spread of this virus since they most likely believe this is “god’s judgement” at play.

It’s terrible, but I really wanted Dump’s test to be positive and require the WH to be put on quarantine. Having tested negative, I fear when this crisis passes his narcissistic ass will see himself as invincible and use it to campaign against Biden. 

The 3 you listed are tall, thin women with not a lot of curves to “hide” to appear androgynous classy like you said.
From the couple pictures of her I saw, Billie Eilish has an entirely different body type that is a lot harder to hide if that’s what you wanna do.

Pretty easy to be classy when you’re shaped like a model

In Ronan Farrow’s podcast ‘Catch and Kill’ they discuss how Bob Weinstein paid off some of Harvey’s accusers with his own funds so there was no direct connection between the women and his brother. This fucker knew all along what was up and probably only got upset when he saw what impact it was about to have on their

Ah yes, the old "sex addict = sexual predator" defense. Guess what, Harvey? You weren't addicted to sex. You were addicted to frightening vulnerable women. Go rot in a hole forever.