
My Daughter: Yeah, one of the girl’s father is living with us now.

Nothing could be done? HE WAS LIVING IN A DORM ROOM. 

The idea that death somehow redeems a person is mind-boggling to me. The person dying doesn’t negate every shitty thing they ever did.

It’s amazing to me Billy fucking Cosby seriously thinks anyone wants his opinion on an accused rapist.

How is Bill Cosby tweeting anything? Is this communication through his lawyer? 

Some of the people below are trying to make a case for his innocence because the woman he raped has kept silent about it. Well, 1, it was almost certainly part of her settlement that she could NOT talk about it and 2. after watching how reporters and journalists are attacked just for asking a question about it, what

I think the concern is that it’s the journalists who are driving the narrative, not people on the ground. It’s become abundantly clear that Kobe’s colleagues, family, and friends are not going to discuss or give credence to the allegations of rape. And the vast majority of basketball fans are not asking for additional

Honestly, me too. The have morbidly obese people Box Jumping in the ads for ffs... Box Jumping... I weigh 200 lbs, athletic and I don’t box jump because its tough on my knees and ankles. I can only imagine what an obese person feels like while doing it.

Well Bob Harper himself nearly died of a massive heart attack so it is odd that the person who is teaching the contestants to be healthy to ‘save their lives’ nearly died from a heart attack while exercising.

Honestly, this. ESPECIALLY when Jillian Michaels was at the helm.

I'm surprised no one has died on this show

Indeed. But the Biggest Loser has the added element of where it is shaming a significant portion of the population as well. I’m tone deaf, and I’ve never felt shamed by American Idol because I can’t sing. 

Just as Tom Brady’s obituary will mention Deflategate and Darryl Strawberry’s will cover his struggles with substance abuse, it is journalistic malpractice to sum up Bryant’s life and career without mentioning the credible rape allegations.

FWIW MSNBC mentioned the “sexual assault accusations” a couple times, but then quickly glossed over it in their coverage this afternoon. But the anchor did bring it up.

TBH - I think she lost her husband a long time ago.

I for one am not taking any victory laps.  I would never have wished harm on him, but am completely unmoved by his death.  Not so for his poor daughter, who is innocent.

Multitasking really isn't that difficult.  It's quite easy to mourn the loss of innocent lives on that helicopter while simultaneously dancing on the grave of a rapist.  One less rapist in the world is a good thing.

Flag and dismiss.

I’d call Benny “Date Rape” Rothlisberger a rapist. Does that fit your criteria?

Are you new here? Most of us would be totally ok with that.