
he was black in mississippi, i mean missitrumpi. just like trumpessee, north trumpolina, south trumpolina, and alatrumpa. un-god damn-fortunately

This is off topic but IANAL makes me think iAnal which sounds like a buttplug that vibrates to the beat of your iPod.

I can’t be the only one who thinks the lawsuit just makes her look more like a Russian or Republican asset? 

Gabbard is a public figure, so there is no way she will win this suit and the discovery will be amazing because everything has to be handed over — not just what would be admissable. I can’t wait to see the leaks that result from that. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has been in contact with the GOP.

I think the Russians Gabbard might pull votes away from the democratic nominee as a third party candidate IF Sanders doesn’t win the nomination, Those Bernie or Busters are insane.

A defense against slander is the truth; does Gabbard not realize Clinton’s attorneys will be able to uncover just how much of her campaign has been propped up by Russian intelligence; and Russian bots? Cause, I’m willing to bet it’s not insignificant.

Peggy Siegel is 72 years old and has run one of the top showbiz PR firms in NYC for 40 years. Surely she must have a substantial nest egg. DOESN’T ANYONE JUST RETIRE ANYMORE?

Apparently she wants us to perceive that losing professional connections and respect for because she worked for a convicted and unrepentant pedophilia sex trafficking rape arranging rapist, who continued to rape children after finishing the slap on the wrist sentence he received thanks to his powerful friends, is

The future of Britain:

I am vehemently anti-child, even after death lol.

Congratulations, MeatyBallz! You have officially written the absolute stupidest fucking comment I’ve ever read on this website!

The correct answer is: “it doesn’t matter, because the police took so long to run the DNA that the statutes of limitation have expired” OR “Not enough information to answer the question. Was Suzy wearing something slutty? Had she been drinking, dancing, or otherwise signalling her availability?

I would accept that if felon didn’t explicitly mean that someone had been convicted of a crime. You’re not a felon until you’ve been convicted, and very few rapists ever see a courtroom (or an interrogation room), let alone a conviction. (The question, obviously, misuses “felon” as well, unless all three suspects have

In order to be accurate, the question should say “Suzy was raped at a frat party. She called the police, and the sperm evidence was collected. The sperm sat in storage for 20 years. Once finally tested, it was revealed that Suzy’s rapist was now a Congressman. Suzy urged the state to prosecute him, but the prosecutor

I love Noel! He also seems to relate to people which help them calm down.

Nooooo Noel is the best part of the show after Mel & Sue (and Mary Berry) left! His wacky outfits and random comments to contestants are the best - I think in some cases the nonsequiturs help the bakers calm down a little, especially after a Paul Hollywood interrogation.

I love Noel, he’s a delightful pixie here to make us all smile.

Interesting trivia about Sandi Toksvig is that she is a Dane who spent her formative years in the US but who came to Britain during adolescence, and her British accent is a total affectation that she adopted to fit in.

Where’s the sex? The word “sex” implies consent from both parties, and children are legally incapable of consenting to sex.

I’m actually starting to wonder if the Republicans are running a child trafficking ring out of the basement of some other pizza joint in D.C.