
They do have audio. Of her confirming with Singer that she’ll put it on her tax returns as a contribution:

Maybe. Or maybe he’s just an asshole who thinks we’re being waaaay to sensitive. My guess the latter.

“First of all, I want to thank my husband Fred, for letting me come — I always like to say that, because it makes the libs so mad,”- Phyllis Schlafly.

His inital response when reminded back at the beginning of #metoo was ‘I’m sorry she feels like the system didn’t work for her’ or something along those lines. He is so self unaware. For one thing his age, secondly checkout photos of young Joe Biden. He was hot. Good looking men can get away with a lot. He’s not so

Gaga seems like a nice person? Find her deposotion for the lawsuit her former assistant file against her. Some of the things she says are mind boggling. She is NOT a nice person.

I’ve always I’ve always thought Gaga was thirsty AF. I think the thing with Renner has more to do with him developing theater projects because I’m convinced she wants to be an EGOT. She now has a grammy, Golden Globe and an Oscar.

A lot of abusers get away with it because they A) fear a lawsuit from the accused if they fire them B) think the victim (especially workers at the bottom of the pay scale) don’t have the resources to file a lawsuit or continue to fight the deep pockets of government.

I’d argue she was never hippy-dippy. She was an outspoken virgin while on MTV. She was abstaining because of her faith. Christian, which usually means right leaning. None of this happened all the sudden.

Sara was an actress and did a film with Owen Wilson (I forget the title). She was a horrible actress.

He is basically saying his own daughter is so stupid and unlikely to get into a good school on her own. That’s why her response “thanks for the confidence, Dad”.

Maybe it is OJ. I know these folks are attention hoes, but maybe admitting OJ is her father is a bridge too far. They are ashamed? Hard to believe but maybe.

OH MY GOD, you guys. She was trying to do whats best for her children! /s

They don't want people to think they bave a lazy,stupid child. 

Shouldn’t they be offering to deal with or remove the predator? I mean if I’m feeling uncomfortable I can leave on my own. Get a doorman to walk me to my car but the creep is the one who needs to leave or be dealt with in some way. He’ll just move onto someone else.

Thats exactly how tRumptard became the GOP candidate.

I'm wondering if he could take her parents to court to get visitation while he's in prison.

Define "good old fashion police work" then. He admitted it? Some one told the police because they knew? If not DNA sampling, how?

Thats the way it works in healthcare. Retaliation is real. A physician/scientist reported a research institution for not caring for lab animals correctly and eneded up being retaliated against (bullying) and eventually resigned. 

Likely they've been getting shit for leaving a family in that state (comatose or vegetative) so they clarified. I hope his attorney doesn't use this clarification to say she has the ability to consent and did. You know thats coming.

I hope Gaga loses both categories she's nominated in. Like some of her music but she's a horrible person.