
He was on DWTS a couple of seasons back. Seems like a lovely person. 

According to the above job description he won’t be doing that. But theres nothing to stop him from raping one or more women in the office.

According to the bios of the partners, neither is an alumni of Baylor so getting him fired is definitely a possibility. 

Jennifer Coolidge makes everything better.

All of The Big Orange Turds women, including His daughter and his Porn Star girlfriend, are blond. She's just trying to fit in. 

Its not up to the survivor and her family. The DA didn’t want to lose another case like this one so she took a plea deal. She can do that without notifying the victim.

Leather is a by product of the meat industry - trying use all the parts of a cow. I doubt it will ever go away. 

Just white.

^THIS!!!! I'm glad for Allred but ecstatic Pete Sessions is gone!

I don’t understand why his ass-kissing enablers (AKA his cabinet) don’t give him a list of music artists who have proclaimed love for him and pick music from that list. Starting with Yeezy. Several country music artists have come out in favor him. Plus 3 Doors Down has a history of being Republican. I’m thinking ‘Krypt


Cultural appropriation is never a good idea. 

By 'magical shield' are referring to the white male priviledge that this idiot didn't think existed because he was a white male for 60 years?

Right. He raped then went on with his life until this brave girl wrote a school assignment about his raping her. Then when confronted, he admitted it. Thats what the article says., no need to correct.

Proof the justice system cares more about white collar ceime than sexual assault. Meanwhile, rapist serve a couple of months and drunk drivers who kill people serve none.

I thought HRC won the popular vote by 3 million but lost the election because the electoral college. 

I said the same thing over at DListed and got an eyeroll gif as a response (by someone named Joe, no less).

There have been rumors of him being gay forever. His love and devotion to Lady Gaga only adds fuel to that rumor.

And Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

I bet this guy has skeletons buried in his yard. She's likely not the first to see this behavior from him.