
He’s fed sound bites and told to only say those soundbites. Unless of couse he spots a hot chick. Then it’s all about how good she looks while being in a hurricane.


If this guy is smart enough and rich enough to build his own submarine then he likely thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Add to that men like him think like Chief Cheetohead and that women should be submissive especially if you’re rich.

Wow, the plumage on that last one is impressive.

He does ^..^

Count me in. This here is Baxter aka Fat Boy aka Da Big B.

Abbot isn’t calling a special session. Why would he interrupt his off time? Also, as a Texan, I hope this means the tide is turning and democrats are taking over.

I still think she’s is golddigger but this sh!t is funny. Well played , Amber.

British singer/tart

Tina Fey and Amy Poler.

Except thats the way it is in Hollywood. Aronofsky didn’t invent that sh!t. Much older men with much younger women is the standard. Pair a much older woman with a youner man and thats he plot of he film.

Right? He doesn’t think dic picks are harassment. He probably thinks he was doing them a favor.

She also dated (and wrote a song about) Owen Wilson back in 1999/2000.

What film is this GIF from?

The Mooch looks like a TV Preacher who will eventually be caught cheating on his wife of 20 years and get convicted for fraud.

She looks like a larger, uglier Marie Osmond. But she’s as ugly on the inside as KellyAnne Conway.

I have to wonder if this British baby was black, the repugs would have the same response. I bet not.

If they can get a confession for a crime that gets the most punishment, they will. Vick served only for Gambling across state lines because that’s a federal crime, he served no time for abusing animals. Look at it this way, when this guy gets out, he’s a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. Plus he loses

I think the difference is the foreign child has garnered media attention, a tweet from Cheetohead and the interest of the Pope - making it worldwide media attention. Operative word here is ATTENTION.

This needs more stars.