
I’m pretty sure he’d turn away sick German kids because they’re leader is neither a man or a hot woman.

100% agree. I lived through this at my last job.

I bet this had more to do with a domestic issue, not his employment.

I was going to say I would give him a pass if he was doing this to the arrogant Christians and then I saw that he’s anti-gay and anti-abortion. Fuck him.

The report would have not happened or it would have been a very different report.

Nevermind, you were talking about Musk.

Sorry, I left off /snark

We’re only as significant as the men in our lives. Other women don’t count because they’re women.

I feel like those that deadlocked it and/or voted to acquit will find a large check in their mailboxes. Cosby seems to think money can buy anything.

But his victims included men. See the difference?

But it didn’t happen “decades” ago. Cosby started doing this shit decades ago but this case is SPECIFICALLY about something that happened in 2004. He can’t be tried for the incidents that happened “decades” ago. You’re not paying attention.

I wonder if she’s streaming this from that former convent she bought that was protested by some nuns.

Cosby’s answer here is a clear indication of NPD. Distract and confuse.

The claim that they were Benadryl is for Constand. He gave Janice “aspirin” because she told him she had a headache and he put a liquid (or ground up Quaalude) in Beverly Johnson’s drink. He’s making all kinds of claims about the drugs he using for rape. Not just Benadryl.

Disregard ^. I couldn’t get Kinja to cooperate.

He's has Narcisstic Personality Disorder. They never cop to any wrong doing. His answer "

Because you trust that the pills they are giving you are what they say they are. He told her Quaaludes were Benedryl. Just as he told Janice Quaaludes were aspiring/pain killers. Constand had a friendly relationship with Cosby before this sexual assault. She had no reason to believe the pills he gave her were not what

I believe this is why Camille isn’t there. She knew this was going on and choose to ignore, even defend him, to live the lifestyle to which she’d become accustom.

Not even close. We’re definitely first world, we’re just run by idiots. And not everyone who lives in Texas is a repuglican. Most of Dallas is democrat.

Texan here......I guarantee you they don’t care about this because they figure all the ones that are dying are charity cases. Poor folk. And probably democrats.