
I don’t recommend Nordictrack. They don’t stand by their product, their warranty is bullsh!t.

I don’t recommend Nordictrack. They don’t stand by their product, their warranty is bullsh!t.

I was thinking since it says she was beginning to suspect, maybe a relative who knew all along spilled the beans.

He caught onto to her plan to do something with him if he dies (like display his body for profit) and never married her. The marriage license expired and he broke up with her.

I agree, but he still has followers outside prison.

That would explain Charlie.

Nope. She’s a thirsty actress wannbe willing to stoop pretty low. Firstly, someone doesn’t “sue” to get money awarded them in a divorce. None of us know whats going on in this divorce and as I see it, this her, again, trying to make him look like the bad guy. Let’s face it, other than the PSA, this trick hasn’t been

No thank you. Reba’s a die-hard Republican. Shortly after Natalie Maines dared voice her opinion in a concert in England, this trick was hosting a Country Music awards show and on-air wondered how Natalie could sing with her foot in her mouth.

Megyn wrote a book that someone can adapt into a screenplay. I don’t think Carlson has written a book or if she has, it doesn’t detail Ailes harrassment.

Sexualizing is not about making the man sexy. Most likely Ailes will be portayed as the unfortunate everyman and all the women onscreen will be dressed provocatively, reluctantly doing what Ailes “asks” (aka coerces using demotions/firing as the bait because that what he did). Making a film sexy rarely means making

Totally agree. Paradis, Ryder and Moss didn’t have these problems with him and by all accounts are still friends with him.

Or maybe he didn’t believe she’d actually donate it and only said she would for PR. I realize Johnny is a shithead drunk but this shitstorm is her fault too. She settled for so little money after securing deals to star in at least two movies produced by producers (probably from Disney) who have a stake in Depp’s

I think you’re over estimating the unrest. The Dumpster has gone back on several promises so his people are disappointed in him. Maybe they won’t riot, lol.

By document, I hope you mean record. No one believes this shit until they hear a recording of it.

They’re doing better than the Vatican.

I saw oily legs at first now l, after reading comments, I see white paint on non-oily legs. Weird.

I’m sure she’s had practice ;) That said, I don’t believe this happened.

Lots of folks don’t believe it actually happened, so thats part of it.

Anjelina isn’t stable. Never has been. Being hot only keeps them for so long. After a while, and enough drama, the hotness becomes very ugly.

It was my understanding that this deal was started before the Olympics. So, before he was "robbed at gunpoint". That said, these people need to take their anger to something more worthwhile, like all rapists and murderers walking free.

As a tax-paying resident of Dallas, Texas this caught my attention. WTF?