
It's was true though:

Her original face:

I absolutely agree that a work environment that supports/doesn't end harassment can be toxic but not everyone can up and leave a job. If you leave you don't get unemployment, no income whatsoever for those of us who support ourselves and don't have someone else who can help out.

No thank you. Two things that make me nauseous - babies (kids in general) and water. Ugh. Where are the kittens and boxes?

They dislike or are jealous for some reason of the victim.

They may believe that arguing that the perp in the video isn't the defendant or (as in the Planned Parenthood videos) the video was edited to make it appear that a rape happened but didn't. There are a lot of reasons someone pleads not guilty. Hope that the Prosecution can't make their case despite evidence is one.

I'm wondering if a defense here would be recording in order to get permission for something. Like Weird Al had to have specific permission from the artist before he could record a parody of their song. Being in two different states might make a difference too. That said, I think Taylor is in on all of it, she's just

I read this a him being a narcissist who will do anything for recognition and awards. Absolutely love that Tropic Thunder.

I know. It's disappointing. I used to love Hiddleston. Now, I just can't.

I have theory about this. Just about every person who became famous as a teen doesn't seem to move beyond that age mentally. They stay stuck emotionally at what ever age they were when they became famous, in Swifty's case, 16. Also, Beiber.

My current boss wouldn't say anything bad either. In fact, if asked what happened to the person who had the job before she'd make up some bs about that person wanting to go in a different direction, etc. rather than say something bad about them even though the truth is that person left to get away from her (because

From OITNB, Season Four:

Unlikely *she* had any friends.

In Texas you don't need a license to own a gun. You can show up to any gun show or gun shop and after a 7 day wait purchase a gun. No registration or license required to keep the gun at home. A license to carry is a different matter and isn't applicable in this situation. Source: Democrat gun owner born and raised in

Oops, my bad. Didn't get your snark on first read.

It took more than "a second" for that kid to scale a wall. Parents are to blame in the death of that gorilla.

Accept it never happens this way.

Just out of curiosity how do you think you prove a rape occurred? There’s no video, no witnesses. It’s a he said/she said so he automatically wins? Comparing rape to a car accident? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Oh, wait, you're a guy, right? Never mind.