
That isn’t the worst it’s looked:

It was more than "knowledge" - he was convicted. He left the country while waiting for sentencing.

I disagree. That's a pretty inflammatory remark to make. I'm sure he knows that saying that to a man might get his ass kicked.

I'm assuming this happened in Fort Worth, Texas (where there is a "Lake Worth" and CBSDFW is tagged). I'm in Dallas, why hasn't this been on the news? This is the first I'm hearing about it. Meanwhile, Missy the trainer's murder is all over the news. Why is domestic violence not in the news on the same level as a

She is a rich republican kid from the rich part of Dallas. 2760 square feet IS a cottage to her.

Starred for the Kevin Smith reference. Damn, that story is funny.

My mid-fifties sister would love to wear this. She would wear it, photograph herself and put it up on facebook. I wish I were kidding.

Yes. The first one they caught was the driver (a female) and then the guy who shot/killed her. Both gave up the name of the person who paid them to do this. Why they didn’t arrest her when they interviewed her I don’t know. They didn’t start calling her a suspect until she couldn’t be found.

Not naturally blond

He has the money to buy a legal team that can get him no time in jail and he's a psychopath, they don't usually commit suicide. I think he'll stall for a long long time hoping people will give up. I doubt very seriously he'll ever see the inside of a prison but his legacy is gone forever.

If this is Gaga, I'm muting...

7-11 has a standing deal with local food banks to donate their left over donuts and bagels (day old) to the food bank. The CEO was on Undercover Boss a few seasons back and he nearly lost it when he saw an employee trashing the unsold baked goods.

My personal favorite

Dude is about 12 years old mentally.

But wouldn't this be known by the investigators when they were considering charging him in the last year or so since the deposition became public? Surely the Prosecutor would know......

Cheap and mostly classless is how most would describe Courtney.

Or there have been similar accusations in the past about him.

Way to misread a comment. I wasn't saying the kids in foster care aren't good enough, I was questioning why this couple wouldn't consider adopting a kid already here who needs a home. People like this (and others who purchase a baby from an adoption agency) want an infant.

I'll never understand the desperation of wanting a kid so bad you'll resort to this. There are a ton of kids in the foster system, are they not good enough?