
A speedo clad Ricky Martin makes up for a lot of bad things.

Lol, no. Harassers (and bullies and psychopaths as well) work the emotions of their victims. I talked enough about my dog that he realized that was an emotional connection for him to exploit to get me to respond to him.

I'm not sure, this was before the internet was common, we talked in class so he knew my dogs name but we didn't hang out or anything. When he tried to stay in touch after I finished school, I ignored his attempts to contact me. I guess he could have gotten from the office or I was listed in the phone book.

Several years ago I was stalked by a guy whom I went to college with. I started college at 26 and he was a bit older than me, maybe early thirties. When I ignored him, he started sending mail addressed to my dog. Seriously. I guess he knew that would get my attention.

I don't understand why people stalk other people. I'm assuming they were crazed fans but why would you do that?

Why? If she's as smug and narcissistic as he is, she'll hang herself with her words.

He didn't just deny, he called them liars who were out to make money of his name.

She has publicly defended him. I too was giving her the benefit of a doubt until she spoke up and said the women all consented to this.


Didn’t she also say all of it was consensual? I think she knew what was going on just thought it was part of who he was and she wanted to lavish lifestyle and high profile. Wife of Beloved Bill Cosby.

Here’s what I’m seeing:

Those of us who follow CDaN have known this for quite a while. I know a lot of folks think celebrity gossip sites make stuff up, but this proves, at the very least, some are true.

Armchair psychiatrist here......she was the middle child of 5 children who’s mother died when she was 6 years. She couldn’t get the attention of her father. There isn’t enough attention in the world to heal a wound that deep.

Considering that the Biebs had enough of a religious upbringing to be against abortion, he should have been baptized already. Assuming this a protestant church, most likely Baptist - I don’t know who this Pastor is - folks are baptized young. I was a kid when I was baptized, like 9 or 10 years old.

Totally agree.

I see you've been to Irving. I lived there briefly in the .....well a while ago. It was horrible.

Once that was reported. I have no problem believing he raped more than once and got away with it because the women wouldn’t report it. Kobe is scum, and as a basketball fan, I for one, won’t miss him.

Americans remember her most for Nothing Compares To You. Yes, she tore up a photo of the pope but she was (and is) a great talent who had a lot of success in America. That SNL stunt isn't what she's most known for here.

Thank you for saying this. Too many commenters here are demonizing the birthmother and few have been in her shoes. She did what she thought best for the child and should be praised for that, not criticized.