
As someone who grew up in the Baptist church, I know what a church elder does, but I have no idea what a "volunteer" pastor would do.

He was a church elder which is different than being a Pastor. You failed to mention the one thing that would have immediately gotten my sympathies.....he was a competitive ice dancer in his teens. For that he was awesome. Junior National Champion in 1992.

If this guy’s intent wasn't religiously motivated, I could totally see it turning into a Tiffany “Pensatucky” Doggett situation. The right will pay for his defense and if he does serve time they’ll send him money. Loved that story line.

How do you know this? Not saying it's not true just wondering.

According to celeb gossip.....his marriage is arranged for PR, his wife is still hooking up with her ex and the kid is actually her ex's.

Same reason NFL teams hire/keep thugs who are good players. That person (or in this case persons) serve the greater purpose of the university and they don’t care what they do to harm other people.

I absolutely agree, however, I hate my boss and don't want a gift from her. If she gives me a plant I'll let it sit on my desk and die.

Since I’m already going to hell......Supernova’s story shows that sometimes, assholes like this get their just rewards.

I think Clooney got clipped a long time ago.

Came here to say this. The problem is Halle, not the men.

It's possible if she angers the Thetans, Tom could come take the kid and never return her.

I don't think "better training" helps at all. Police officers who go around shooting dogs and roughing up minors do it because they can, they don't care about rules or training.

I keep getting this guy mixed up with Scott Eastwood.

I came her to say that. The plane left the ground well before it passes over the camera. I grew up next to a runway that was used by General Dynamics and US Air Force (F-16's mostly), I LOVE watching stuff like this especially Non-commercial planes.

“Heather Cocks” Is this a real name?

I'm curious how his speaking out, announcing his salary before production is going to affect his career. Surely, his opportunities will dry up. Old Hollywood Boys Club doesn't like those who don't play by their rules.

This applies to all minorities in Texas. As a Texan I can confirm that when I go vote, most of the folks I see there are white.

^This right here. I work with a classic NPD’d 50ish female. She has snowed and charmed the high ups and all the folks she speaks to on the phone think she sweet and funny. Several of us in the office(present and past) know the real person and hope she has an “accident” that prevents her from coming to work for a very

As with physicians who are accused of sexual harassment, Berkeley needs to insist (as in hire) someone to be in the room with him whenever he’s around female students.