
Well, it was just recently that a man pointed it out, so now they have to take it seriously.

Damn, why have not seen this before. I'm not normally into Damon but he most definitely hotter with ponytail.

I think the sacra fice part was a real misspelling. I just typed it the way he did and it got corrected (so I put a space in). Putting an "a" in where he did is a common mistake. Not sure about the "an" part. Maybe he meant #realparentandsacrifice, but that doesn't make sense either.

Starred because that is one gorgeous dog.

Right there with ya. I only recently discovered this bad boy and the fact that he loves dogs is the greatest.

Narcissistic grooming:

I'm surprised no one has asked "whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?". Idiots. For any one that might be thinking of posting that question....the statute of limitations has run out on most of these cases. All these women have now is the court of public opinion.

From the Independent article:

I lived in the small town where her attorney lived and she stayed there with her. She came into the small restaurant I where I was working when I wasn't there but I heard about it. I always believed her to be innocent.

As someone who suffers from Anxiety, I agree, if it was real. However, this wouldn't be the first time an accused faked some sort of physical ailment on the stand to gain sympathy.

Not really the same thing as what happened here. The victim knew her attacker as someone totally different. This situation is more like Catfish meets 50 Shades of Gray.

Because (for the 100th time) he will never face criminal charges because the statute of limitations has run out. All these women have is the court of public opinion. Why do people keep bringing this up and how do adults not know this?

He used to rob people. He admitted it during an interview with Howard Stern a few years ago. I can only imagine what he did but doesn't admit to.

He's calling them unrapeable now, completely ignorant of the fact that he did this when they were young. He's THAT stupid.

Criminal defending criminal. Damon Wayans told Howard Stern several years ago that he used to mug people (before he and his brothers hit it big). I wouldn't expect any sympathy from him for victims.

Yeah, see ya lost me. I know "points" have something to do with mortgage lending but I don't understand them. All I wanted was a dollar amount. I think they purposely make things difficult.

The whole “3% of the selling price” didn’t occur to me. No one explained that the 3% represented 3% of the selling price. I knew there would be closing costs, and I thought I’d have to pay 97% of them. I didn't know the selling price had anything to do with it.

Isn't "Hoe" a garden tool?

This is the type loan I have since the property was foreclosed on.

Correct. But in my (newbie) mind, 3% closing costs meant the owner would only cover 3% of the closing costs, I had to pay 97% of the closing costs. Which isn’t correct but nobody explained it to me. I freaked over having to come up with a ton of money.