
When I was buying my foreclosed condo I was told by the (bank) owner that they will only pay 3% of the closing costs. So I stressed about having to pay 97% of the closing costs which I had no idea how much that would be as I’d never bought property before.

“Also I think that was asked as a possible reason why the other cops wife didn’t like the reporter.”

I think a lot of it has to do with what can be proven (as in, in a court of law). Having absolute proof of wrong doing is necessary. If they had fired him when she reported him with only her word, he could sue Subway for breach of contract (assuming they had a contract), he could sue her for slander. I’m think this is

Ew, really? Too Victorian for me. Would gut.

Imma guess that Howie is much better person than Jeff. Let me explain. Many years ago he was staying at a hotel where I bartended. Our little bar had a grand piano in it which belonged to the resident piano player. Mr. Goldblum sauntered into the bar around 11:30pm - 30 minutes after the piano player stops and locks

No disconnect here, I’ve been vegetarian (no red meat, no foul, no fish) for 26 years. OP was pointing out boner killer things about Pratt, I added mine. His libertarian preference would be second to his hunting for me.

He hunts. He claims he doesn't hunt for fun but if you've got enough money buy food why would you hunt?

When this happens at the workplace, the consequences are different if you “stand up for yourself”. Obviously, aggression and violence will get you fired immediately but even refusing to play along can get you targeted and they will find a way to get you fired.

Lol, I did. Texas is a one party state, so I'm good.

Both, especially the punch in the nose, can get you fired. Not a good idea if you need your job.

Keep your smartphone handy with camera set on "video" - I've been doing that for a while now.

InTouch reports on everything scandalous, some of it wishful thinking, trying to out-scoop everyone else. Some of it is true, like this one. I don't care for tabloids like InTouch but I'm glad this kind of thing gets exposed, regardless of who reports it.

There are probably a ton that Gloria is saving to come out every now and then to keep the story in the news.

I’m betting someone died as a result of his drugging them.

Did anyone watch the entire video? What happened at the end, it cuts off just as Momma bear pulls up the electric thing outside the pool. The human Mom says "oh no, you're going to eletricu....." and the video stops. Are the bears OK? Damn.

I love you so much that I’ll make us look like horrible humans.

Seriously, and I suggest this because it's a small town, if you have a smartphone, film him and his comments several times, file a police report and post it to Youtube/Reddit. Humiliate the crap out of him.

Surprised no one has pointed this out: This isn’t a selfie. Someone else is clearly taking it.

“I mean, it’s in a comments section.”

See, I would have said cheese.