
There's no winning. If the episode had a tracking shot then critics would complain that it's too familiar and recycling ideas from S1.

I'm loving season 2 but am having trouble keeping up with the investigation without re-watching episodes. I have no idea where they got the pawn shop lead from, why Ray and Ani were at her father's place, nor why they were questioning that guy in last week's episode before the masked dude lit the car on fire.

I think the episode had two actors from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. Emily Rios who played Andrea, and Cesar Garcia who played No-Doze, Tuco Salamanca's henchman from way back in Season 1.

Why did Dany remove that ring? Was it so that they wouldn't know she was rich or something? And can't just about everyone spot a Targaryen when they see one anyway?

Does anyone else just not buy that Snow is dead for good? The Hardhome episode basically set up an ultimate showdown between Snow and Mr. Freeze. And without Snow we have no main character at Castle Black. Plus all that stuff about his parents haven't been revealed yet. Oh yeah, and Melisandre happens to be at Castle

I try.

So I'm guessing the only thing stopping the walkers is the sea? So are they just waiting til it freezes over?

Good thing everyone expended all their arrows before they died, apparently.


It could be a cloud sync thing. Hitting delete would delete the file from the computer, and then the server would see that the file is missing from the desktop and delete it as well. Kind of like connecting your ipod to someone else's computer and watching it get wiped.

These moments must be cherished.

So without spoiling the books, why did the Sand Snake spare Bron? I mean I'm not complaining. I'm so glad Bron is still alive.

The brothel keeper?

Littlefinger told Lady Olenna that he has a gift for her. "The same kind [he] gave Cersei, a handsome young man." Which young man did he give to Cersei?

Is it me or did Gilfoyle actually smile as Erlich walked off with Karen?


Anyone mind refreshing me on the exposition about Jon Snow being a Targaeryan? I don't remember much about it from last week.

"I loved The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo."

"If you're committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it." - Saul Goodman

Yup, that was him.