she refuses to let me continue the usage of my beach towels
“And we want to treat this with the seriousness it deserves, so we’re going to put you on GMA. Your segment would be between Rachel Ray and the winner of the Westminster Dog Show.”
My personal revenge fantasy involves them stalling, the democrats getting the white house and either Hillary or Bern nominating Obama for the position.
You are not the first person to mention this and every time it comes up I do a little scissor kick with glee. Just the idea of it is great.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
My personal revenge fantasy involves them stalling, the democrats getting the white house and either Hillary or Bern nominating Obama for the position.
Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of…
“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,
A presidential campaign in now about 2 years long...and mid-terms...its as if after winning the election you have 6 months to get something done before everything must stop for midterms then about a 2-3 month gap and onto the next presidential election.
A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.
It’s nice to see a major broadcast network actually trying to participate in the current technological reality instead of fighting it.
Todd Van der Werff has a great post on Vox about that same topic. I watched the series the day after it dropped on Netflix, so I went into it knowing almost nothing about the case. I came away thinking that he was still guilty, and I was bothered by the filmmakers’ apparent bias (even though I can see the flaws in…
Every time people go on about Avery being innocent because he never hurt a fly I can’t get over the fact that he doused a live cat in fuel and tossed it towards a fire and laughed as it burned to death... and admitted it.
Something that bothers me about all of the coverage of Daniel Holtzclaw is that I haven’t seen and heard enough about the gorgeous human being who brought him to justice: Jannie Ligons. I’ve endured every angle of Holtzclaw’s rage-y, deflated mug, and haven’t heard enough about the first police complaint, the first…
I just want to know what the hell is going on and make sure they’re not trying to give him special treatment because he was in law enforcement.
Is he receiving death threats?
I am so wary of police policing police that this feels very troubling to me. I don't want to go full paranoid, but it seems fishy
I'd say he deserves to drink the water for a year, like these poor people did. He knew, they ALL KNEW. I'm having rage strokes.
Bottle Shock is a great (and underrated) Alan Rickman film. Check it out.