
I like to imagine that Roger Goodell is flipping tables at the NFL HQ in New York right about now.

By your logic, since numbers are numbers, this means Asian and Indian Americans are the beneficiaries of racism against whites as they have higher incomes (as well as faster growing incomes).

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

I bet if you hang out here all afternoon you could make the exact same sarcastic comment 2 or 3 more times.

Exactly this. Well said. This whole “shut up and put the team first” is nonsense, as evidenced by the number of players who walked over to Kaepernick after the anthem and hugged him. They said on the broadcast that it has, in fact, brought the team closer together.

Hell, while Martellus Bennett and Devin McCordy were

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

The Broncos winning gave us this and I will forever be grateful.

Women watching movies were men get drowned, tortured, burnt to deat, suffocated, stabbed, shot, blown up, castrated, run over by cars... and I assume there is some of that in this movie as well

Hateful, sure, but racist? I don't see anything racist being said. Or is "racist" now a mandatory term to describe a person you don't like even if you can't prove he is?

For as much as we have to complain as sports fans about bad officials, bad players, bad commissioners, bad commissioners, bad NFL commissioners, bad red headed commissioners, bad commissioners with the initials RG, and bad owners, it’s nice to be able to recognize the class A act that this ump showed in both

Statistically, that’s just not true. About 71 percent of the perpetrators of murder in Chicago are black (as are about 75 percent of the victims). White offenders (whether they are racists or just plain criminals) cause about 3.5 percent of the city’s homicides.

This article is garbage though.

So if Bolt starts identifying as a woman you’d let him race against the women?

Those examples are quite simply false equivalency.

Shhh. You’re acknowledging complexity and the possibility that the best solutions may be frustratingly imperfect. You’re ruining a perfectly good Hot Take!

This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,

If we are going to hold two separate events for men and women, then we have to have some distinct dividing line between who is “a man” and who is “a woman.” It may not be fair to everyone, but you do have to draw a line somewhere.

Not give me a boner. She fails at that.

Wow, the selfishness of gamers never ceases to amaze me.

And if you lived in one of those countries, you’d be totally fine with Niantic making sure the American game is perfect before getting it at all, right?