Frank Stallone

Well, you don't have to argue with me because - and we both know this - you can't prove any of the claims that have been made. If you could, you would have shut me up and slapped me in my smug face with a set of plainly worded citations by now. I'll just accept your silence as an indication that they were bullshit

You know that kind of stuff only works when you're shouting it at a gay pride march, while feigning outrage on Youtube that those around you think you're a dickhead, right?

I've re-read it, and I can't see a single mention of Mantas, Cronos, or any of their classic albums between 'Welcome To Hell' and 'At War With Satan'. In fact, Milo's never even commented - as far as I know - on the early years of black metal.

Ann had still better watch her back. For every Milo that is struck down in the prime of his career, another ten Youtube-based 'citizen journalists' appear, filming themselves at women/gay/transgender marches looking for 'snowflakes' to annoy.

He seems heavily influenced by beat writing - imagine Burroughs dropping that paragraph seamlessly into 'The Naked Lunch'.

I can personally assure you that Sly has always been an of-age kind of guy. But don't take my word for it - watch 'Party At Kitty and Studs' and see for yourself.

Watching that stupid smirk being slapped off Milo's stupid orange head on Facebook this morning was astonishingly satisfying. Kind of reminds me of when Sly dropped Apollo Creed in 'Rocky 2' and I was like 'about time, bro'.

Je suis Sweden.

They are 'accusations' until someone can provide a shred of evidence. It's a simple request - as I said, I'm completely willing to believe that he's done awful, awful things. But, not until there's some kind of link, or citation, or reference. Which is the same standard we expected when Trump was accusing Hillary of

What a triggered snowflake he must be.

Long live the old, crazy, alt-right flesh!


And a kick in the ribs for Stanley Kubrick. Roger wanted to use audio samples from 2001, but Kubrick turned him down because the Floyd refused to let him use 'Atom Heart Mother' in 'A Clockwork Orange'.

Oh, absolutely. And, Roger was so pissed at the theft of the bassline from 'Echoes' for 'Phantom Of The Opera' that he literally dedicated a part of a song to describing how good it would feel to watch Andrew Lloyd Webber's fingers being broken by a falling piano lid. That takes more than just bitterness. That takes

I know. Makes me wish Roger had spit in MY face at Montreal '77.

Despite a slightly lethargic second half, 'Amused To Death' has never been given the recognition that it deserves - it is easily one of the best albums of the 1990s, and absolutely one of the most beautifully produced albums ever made. Q-Sound and all.

I'll defend 'Learning To Fly'. The rest, not so much.

The 'Radio KAOS' plot is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Even Roger, no slouch when it comes to championing his own enviable body of work, has essentially disowned it. 'Pros & Cons' was a labyrinth, but 'Radio KAOS' borders on incoherent.

Sly is more of a 'Momentary Lapse Of Reason' kind of guy. Figures.

Hang on. So, by simply asking for proof of his transgressions, you're already implying that there is something sneaky or disingenuous about my posts?