[On Wonderwall] 'Look how fuckin' drunk I am there.'
[On Wonderwall] 'Look how fuckin' drunk I am there.'
Totally. For 'The Masterplan' alone they get an A+ and a whole sheet of gold stars.
There's somethin' irresistablish about'em.
I can accept this as long as Bono mentions the enormous debt he owes to Negativland. After all, these guys are from England - and who gives a shit?
There comes a time in our lives, Noel, where we should show our brothers a modicum of respect, regardless of how it may annoy us.
The greatest DVD commentary ever made.
Cue 'They were a shit version of the Beatles!' whiners that have been around since 1994.
Well, all of those bands are young and run free. They've got teeth - nice and clean.
Sure. That's great. But where's my 4K restoration of 'There's Always Vanilla', George?
Sure. Can I do a song over the closing credits again? Something stirring and patriotic.
I've already told them - no nudity unless it is absolutely critical to the plot.
I long for the day when I can read AV Club and see the tag line: 'Starring Jesse Eisenberg as John Rambo'. Now, that's a casting choice that my brother could be proud of.
Oh, I shall. Damn you, Paul Feig. My brother Sylvester would have made an edgy SNL comedy that was both side splitting and thought provoking - just as he did with Estelle Getty.
I love Kate McKinnon more than language can express. How the FUCK did they make her not funny for two hours straight?
I enjoy this Stevie Nicks/Linda Ronstadt-esque direction. 'Hey Girl' is brilliant, and the entire second half is a fantastically mellow direction for her. I enjoy 'ARTPOP' much as I enjoy Oasis' 'Be Here Now' - as a legendary car crash for me to gawk at. I didn't expect her to go on a singer/songwriter trip in the…
That's an ugly rumour spread by my mother, Jackie.
And now for something completely depressing.
My uncle bought some killer blow from Tim Allen back in the 70's, which is something that I am quite saddened to see constantly neglected from his legacy.
This sad, tragic story reminds me of a quote. Hemingway once wrote, "The world's a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.
Are you telling me that wearing a meat dress doesn't signal the emergence of a truly groundbreaking and avant garde artiste?