
You took the words out of my mouth. That’s why Tesla’s big technology showcase isn’t their cars - it’s their Gigafactories.

Supercharging isn’t a paid add for the Model 3. The hardware comes standard. If you’re talking about having to pay for the electricity you use at a Supercharger - you’re right but I don’t know why you’re saying that as a negative for the Model 3 compared to any other electric car that you of course have to pay for

Oh ye with little faith. This is just the beginning and I can already drive from Austin, TX to my family’s cabin in south-central Colorado purely on electricity. You say “Only if you follow a certain path” as if what we have now isn’t good enough for 90% of people’s trips. It is and it’ll continue to grow. 

A world that drives only Chevy Volts is a world that is still 100% addicted to oil. That car is missing the point of owning a purely electric automobile.

A little research on Tesla’s supercharging network and their goal of sustainable transportation might be warranted. It’s way more than just sex appeal, see my comment above. You couldn’t even drive your Bolt on a cross-country trip if you wanted to. You can with a Tesla. Heck, it’ll do most of the driving for you.

Supercharging capability comes standard. Autopilot hardware is included but costs additional. Not sure why you were asking, though, because neither is available in the Bolt.

Tesla cars have a nation-wide supercharging network that they can use. I can drive a Tesla from one end of Texas (or the nation) to the other and have places to charge the whole way. You can’t say that about any other electric car because the vast majority of the nation doesn’t have an infrastructure of

It’s not strange that Elon does this. It’s called honesty and that’s what you’re not used to. This article should have been about why AP2.0 isn’t at parity with AP1.0 and that Tesla, doing things differently than other carmakers, will update and improve the system until it is.

If OPEC was smart, they’d keep oil cheap to compete with electric cars.

I think Elon plans for the car to drive itself, so all those controls would be unnecessary. Hard to understand on this blog, but true nonetheless.

I’m not listening to myself as we’re typing, not talking ;-) But seriously, have you seen the ways Tesla’s HVAC systems work? If the car is autonomous and your sitting in the back, do you still need those knobs?

That would be hella distracting and illegal. And if you’re right, why hasn’t Tesla done it yet?

That dash is ridiculously simple with one screen on it. Hardware failures will likely be minimal as there is far less hardware to fail. I’m sure it was chosen for many reasons. If you want traditional tactile controls, there’s always traditional cars I suppose.

I reeeeeeeeeally don’t think Tesla’s screen will be filled with likely-illegal advertisements.

You honestly don’t know that.

Out of place on a traditional car, yes. Out of place on a car that will receive OTA updates throughout its life, no.

The car will get feature-enabling updates throughout its life. You can’t update tactile buttons/knobs via an OTA.

The versatile touch-screen is required for a car that will get software updates that enable hardware features throughout its life. Physical buttons can’t be updated over the air, and people on this blog don’t seem to understand that because they’re likely stuck on the old paradigm of car-making.

Sorry, but this isn’t Bernie’s fault. Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump all by herself. She’s not very electable, and that’s been proven twice. This is coming from someone that voted for Bernie in primary, but of course voted for Hillary in the general election. If you still think it’s Bernie and his die-hard

Just use rechargeable AA’s.

Just use rechargeable AA’s.