
This is Android's flagship device. One has to consider, at this point, that their Nexus is never designed to sell well. It's always gimped in some way, even when finally released on a carrier like Verizon.

One day, Gawker Media will realize this new commenting system is really really really bad.

I was talking about the fact that the article's title is slightly misleading in that it's Triclosan that's the culprit, not soap.

So "Hand soap is killing you" is really "Triclosan found to impair muscle movement in lab animals during controlled testing." Ok. Got it.

The proprietary cable HTC provided, to my knowledge, did nothing but supply the standard USB interface connection to my Hero. The only thing the modified plug design did was disallow you from using the same cable on other mini-usb devices. Am I wrong?

I'm just saying that the Android app updated as well on my Galaxy Nexus. All of the screen shots in Giz's article are of course iOS.

NASA doesn't have to take profits into account, nor do they have to worry about what investors think.

Yea. Seems like a REALLY odd decision to modify a Mini-USB plug so that it will only work on the Hero. But that's how carriers/manufacturers were back then.

lolz - I was literally thinking about my HTC Hero when I wrote that, and it's weird-ass somehow proprietary USB plug that was mini-usb, but didn't work on any other mini-usb port when I wrote this. I had mini on the brain.

They are about the same. The difference is honesty. Spotify will flat tell you the bitrate of their music, and even allow you to control it. Rdio will not do either.

Holy shit on a stick, even the Android app got released on the SAME DAY.

Android releases the ability to have audio via mini-usb (so you can dock your Android phone to a device and play music using a globally-standard connection) and we hear nary a word about it. But the iPhone gets a new (proprietary) connection (supposedly, still rumor) and Giz goes absolutely ape-shit.

"Why, in the name of Sergey Brin's cyborg face, does Android not give you a screen alert when you receive a text? And what is the solution to this gaping functional crevasse? Downloading a third-party app."

It is true that it is better for some. I suggest iPhone for people like my mom because all they need is the bare minimum of functionality: turn it on and it's as 'customized' and complicated as it'll ever get. But for someone who truly wants their phone to be theirs, iOS is just too Fisher-Price for me.

While I say that pure Android (and many skins) don't necessarily copy Apple's iOS, I will say that the Galaxy S and it's accompanying TouchWhiz were awfully similar to the iPhone 3Gs and iOS. It's unfortunate that they made an effort to modify things like icons and UI interactions in a way that made them mimic iOS.

Landing something as big as Curiosity really required all of the steps they performed, no less. It was too heavy to bounce around like Spirit/Opportunity, and a self-powered landing without the skycrane would have covered Curiosity in dust. As for the parachute - Mars' atmosphere isn't thick enough to slow anything

Problems with the Cloud, or the iCloud? Because I've been using Google's cloud services for years and had nary a problem.

MRO doesn't really 'cost' anything to snap a shot, and it's already there and doesn't add any unnecessary complexity to the already complex mission of landing the MSL.

I wonder if you could also, then, tell them you didn't want to pay for data at all on a smartphone? They require a data plan now, but this would lend me to think they wouldn't be allowed to require it.

Who CARES if they copied or not! That's how the entire planet works. We are able to freaking speak because we copied our parents. It's what humans do, and why we have big brains. Cultures stay alive because we copy our ancestors. All cars have 4 wheels because they copied the designs of other manufacturers. I