
yea, as far as total phones go. But you can't compare iPhones to ALL phones, you have to compare it to smartphones. And in that category, it is the most popular phone in the world. And by that I mean, the sales statistics show that Apple is the WORLDS LARGEST smartphone vendor.

there has been a serious update in horsepower with every generation except original to 3G, and a new piece of hardware that had been seen in very few if any other phones up until then (compass and gyroscope, respectively).

that guy is definitely a hipster

yes, that is true for almost all video. My point was that everything people have been saying about film vs video, it has all changed with the RED Epic. Not may people have been able to use the Epic yet, but the general consensus (from hollywood people, not just "prosumers" and freelance guys), is that it is finally a

well if he can get away with it, more power to him. I just don't think its gonna last if he's using 14gb a month...they look into that, and they'll see he's tethering. Then its a quick downgrade to the 2gb/month plan and an extra $20/month for tethering. And really, at 14gb per half month, he's deeply affecting other

sometimes I was waiting for pages to load, sometimes I was waiting for it to pull up my ATT account info (ATT servers were royally fucked that day), sometimes I had the phone in my cart ready to check out and it wouldn't load...I must have seen every step of the process at least 10 times that day.

unless his title starts with a c for chief, I doubt he knows much.

in what way am I wrong then? my point was that film no longer has advantage over digital, which you basically confirmed with what you just said. Sure, I took the stance that it was superior now, but that is because since film no longer has its superiorities, digital wins out by being easier to integrate with the now

you're right. the top 5% should pay MORE taxes to cover the 51% who don't pay any at all

so you have unofficial tethering then?

"That generator can be recharged immediately by inserting a tiny cartridge of fresh juice"

true, but the point was that it is definitely a format that needs to be taken seriously, and is. just because the workflows for it are complicated doesn't invalidate it as a form of media.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy (and the $20 million he got paid up front to direct king kong) begs to differ

Peter Jackson is shooting the Hobbit on RED cameras, and I think he knows what he's doing...

hackers are famous for their "cops can't touch me" attitude

"Facebook will pay you to break its website"

I'd assume yes. And they absolutely allowed it for the iPhone 4, because thats how I got mine. Perhaps they didn't allow it for in store pickup, as my preorder was to have it shipped to me, but they definitely allowed preordering. Their servers actually crashed on day one because there was such a flood of people (it

"but after filming wrapped, producers noticed that Wilde's pasties were clearly visible and that "they had no choice but to use computer-generated imagery to make the sex scene seem as real as possible"

the scene was never supposed to show nipples, so since they weren't going to be shown they put the pasties on for her privacy on set. they added in the CGI nipple because of an error where the pastie was accidentally visible and they had to either add a nipple or reshoot

did you read the article? it never said she didn't agree to a nude scene so they opted for this...it originally was never intended to be a nude scene. they made a slip-up during filming that they didn't catch until after they wrapped, and noticed that her pastie was visible, so they had to edit in a nipple to keep it