
not even that...there wasn't supposed to be a nipple in the scene. wether she objected to an initial idea of showing her topless, or if they originally just didn't want nudity, we may never know. but they didn't do a CGI nipple because she wouldn't let them show the real thing, they did it because of an error which

while I agree with that, what about this article spurred you to post it? nobody was against the nipple being in the movie, not even olivia wilde. but they originally didn't intend for nudity for whatever reason, and because of a slip up, were forced to add the nipple. its not like they wanted to but she wouldn't let

"'Please review nipple cover shot one through seven and decide which one is most like the original.' I don't know what he (producer) was using as source material... but I think it's pretty close."

I always thought they either made larger ones for the picture, or, more likely, found the worlds smallest children to use as models...you know, so they wouldn't be lying about the product in the picture

probably early september if this rumor is true. they will take about 1-2 weeks to get everything in order after announcing it, and to allow their preorder stock to sell out (though realistically, its going to sell out as soon as they start the preorder)

so you really think that, had they included the larger chip, the MBA is powerful enough to drive its own display plus TWO greater-than-hd resolution 27" displays? not gonna happen. The MBA doesn't need the bigger chip, because it wouldn't enable anything it can't already do

3 you mean? Im pretty sure you have the option of keeping your main display active when hooking up to an external one

so it's really like an extension to exchange? because if so, my dads company just moved over to this (they were about to go to google until microsoft came in and offered them HUGE discounts to stay), and I'm pretty sure my university is moving over to it too. so in that case, its pretty exciting stuff

wish I could say it was

"sexist expectations?"

a buddy of mine just applied to be a brand rep for a company called hoist, which is a "hangover cure drink" (drinkhoist.com, if you're interested), and from looking at the ingredients of (and tasting) a can, if it truly does work, gatorade should work just as well. I never thought to try that, but it's worth a shot

wtf is office 365? how many times can microsoft change the names of things? since I've known it I've seen microsoft mail go from hotmail to live to apparently office 365 now...at least gmail keeps the same name

mines awfully glitchy (wp7)

thus the /sarcasm in my post. haha

whats the record? longest 549mb video or smallest 23 day video?

because apple only uses shiny logos on the 3GS?


then how are games that were developed with all that RAM in mind still working as well?

it always perplexes me when people complain about ads...well, about the existence of ads. I'll complain all day long about poorly implemented ads, sure, or glitchy ads. An ad shouldn't distract you from the website experience, or straight up block you from it (like oh so many do).

no, because he's not bush! /sarcasm