
white people are not so bad because theres not a white person in america alive today who has owned a slave

solely caucasians? its basically been twisted to make it seem solely caucasian americans were responsible

I've never played it, but can you work to earn money in the game, only to spend it on new torture devices to punish your "goons" with?

because it has the wilhelm scream ON TOP OF all the other clues that make it out to be obviously fake maybe?

thing a being "worse" than thing b doesn't make thing b a good thing...you can be worse than something that is also bad.

couldn't agree more

I've always thought that their stock price has to burst sometime...they're a great company but I find it hard to believe they're worth over $300 a share

All of Gizmodos editors seem to take the stance that, since they personally don't like the new (and totally optional I might add) interface elements of lion, that means it is terrible, a failure, and all of the enhancements (like versions, speed enhancements, etc) are meaningless

If he did that, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to read an article like this on gizmodo. It may not be accurate, but it's an interesting outlook nonetheless

But these are the engineers who, rumor has it, told Steve that his idea for the iPod (or whoevers idea it was, I'm not sure if he came up with it so much as supported it) was impossible to pull off with current technology. So Steve told them they'd better come up with new technology that would make it possible, since

Amd how do they propose getting this thing off the ground once it's loaded up with 20,000 propellant systems?

That's why I was intrigued by what palm *seemed* to offer with webOS (and later I found out it was really just a message aggregator)

If your friend has a phone number to their account, it will show a little iPhone logo next to their name. Wether it sends to that phone number or not, I don't know yet, as none of my good friends have their phone numbers on their Facebook, so I haven't been able to test it yet.

Facebook seems to be taking Facebook chat, a great IM client, and trying to turn it into an email/SMS-alike. In doing so, they're killing the best part about it...it's instantaneous-ness.

"without either of you noticing a difference"

if I'm interested in a game for the multiplayer, I'll probably buy it. I use gamefly for the single player experiences...and if a game has multiplayer, sometimes I'll hop on for a few rounds (like I did with homefront, for example, which has an online pass, but lets you play till level 5 online without one)

but if you already use gamefly for console renting, this is awesome

this better rock because the only way they're selling me this game is if this is as good or better than zombies

my point was that for some people, it is all about OSX, and yes, for some people, it is about looks. The ease of servicing OSX...not having to deal with viruses as often, if at all, among other things, makes OSX attractive to schools who need to operate dozens or hundreds of machines...and that can make it worth the

I'll give you the ASUS claim if you're talking about the bamboo one...that things pretty damn cool. But the ideacentre doesn't have nearly the build quality as the iMac...plastic = no thank you