
right but in a case where a woman consents to sex because she is drunk, what does the fact that the man is stronger have to do with anything? the law is written so that they can pin instances like this on the man. why should a man be responsible when he is drunk when a woman doesn't have to be? im not saying it is

it seems there might be differing thoughts on what rape is here. I don't think anyone is implying that if a woman (or man) is forced to have sex while drunk, that it isn't rape. But a person is far more likely in many cases to consent to sex while drunk, and it is this over which there is much debate as to wether it

you can install it on as many computers as you want...ive already put it on 5

it was $30. I don't think its a big deal

in chrome, they show up by default, not just when scrolling

can he afford the property tax and insurance costs?

nice tweet

the MBP being tested here is not a sandy bridge, but the early 2011 MBPs have sandy bridge. The one tested here is an early 2010 model

it performs slightly worse, which I think is entirely due to the fact that it does not have an SSD...and I doubt the extra 4gb of RAM makes a difference, particularly since the geekbench test I ran was a 32bit version, and couldn't address 8gb of RAM. Who's to say how it'd perform at a 64bit test

you've heard right

my early 2010 15" scored a 5761...far closer in score to this MBA than the test model here. Maybe its my extra RAM, maybe its cuz Im running Lion...either way, I think the difference can be attributed to Lion

its around $1700...far cheaper than the $3000 my top of the like 15" 2010 pro was

well this years MBP has a quad core i7...the 2010 one was a dual core. So I'm guessing it'd get smoked

made me so angry when 6 months after I got my laptop, they stuck quad core i7's in! But I had to have a computer for school, so it's not like I could have waited any longer

have you used office '11 for the mac? Its the best version of office I have ever used, period. Its a phenomenal program.

no. the SSD is custom designed for the airs, and actually has no casing at all...its more like a stick of RAM. They do have third party ones available, but good luck installing it yourself

not if you get the high res screen

...? The sandy bridge processors have been in the MBPs since they became available. Yes, it took a while to bring sandy bridge to the air, but is that a surprise?

this is based on the fastest at launch. there was a slight refresh that upped it to 2.8...mine is the best available in a 15" at the time, and is 2.66ghz

I wish I had your problem