
i guess it shouldn't have been directed at you so much, but many people go out of their way to rip on it

well that is true...but its more due to the fact that pesticides have flavor, not that organic has flavor

Well I didn't realize hitting the button automatically signs you up...that's pretty shitty

well you are certainly entitled to that opinion, however, it seems you did not care for the story, rather than the actual writing. She may have a less ornate style than some, but I did not find any of her writing to be "bad" writing.

you may not care for the books, but to call them "not well written" is just ignorant. They are very well written, and the story is planned out and structured very well.

using 4 finger gestures with my pinky works perfectly fine for me...

by that logic, every version of windows has been perfect before you bought it?

yes. it isn't on by default, but it is there

"four-fingered-but-not-the-pinky hand explosion to clear to the desktop. Come on"

thought that was only the 13"...I guess I was sorta assuming that was in reference to the 11"

the drive is $10, but everyone knows an Apple logo costs $30 MINIMUM

I can see your point...but by organic flavor, I meant "tastes like organic!" much like lemon flavored water...haha

they macbook air page isn't loading properly. somewhere, steve jobs just force choked a web designer...

did you really expect them to be able to fit any sort of discreet card in there?

perhaps what they mean is it is organic "flavored" water

I believe Sonos is only airplay compatible if hooked into an Airport express, though I could be wrong

fewer and fewer people will know now that digital photography automates it so easily...even I only somewhat understand the terms, and I know more about it than almost everyone I know

they need to take it down to convert all their images over to include lion, to change the OSX page to be about lion, etc., not to mention if the new macbooks are true they need to go down for that as well

thats the problem though...I can't go somewhere else. Facebook came out with chat, and for me and all the people I talk to, that killed off AIM. nobody uses anything other than chat now. And then they go and mess up chat, and nobody uses ANYTHING now, so they've essentially removed chat as a possibility from my life.

funny...I have 0 friends who are actually online displayed...