
I can't even think of another toy franchise turned movie besides GI Joe

I mean I'm sure netflix has the ultimate goal of finishing off blockbuster...but I guess the main reason I didn't include blockbuster as a streaming option is that it isn't available on as many devices, not many people even KNOW it's an option, etc.

at the price they've been offering it, they just aren't able to get the contracts and rights for the kind of things you're asking for. Perhaps this higher price will allow things like that

well, every single one with an xbox or a PS3, for starters. And every one who has a netflix enabled blu ray...

the "redbox" customer is very different from a netflix customer. Netflix is far cheaper and more convenient for those who want to watch many movies in a month, or keep movies for long periods of time. Redbox is convenient for those who want a movie instantly for just a night just a handful of times a month...the

"and can (up to 5 times a month) go to a store and exchange a movie right there on the spot"

I would imagine that you could technically view it as a contract (and it might even technically be one) that terminates and then is renewed every month. Which is why this change will likely take effect whenever your next billing period AFTER september 1 is...if you pay the original price on, say, August 28, because

if only that worked on my xbox...they get all the new releases? do want

if you are more into TV than movies, theres Hulu...but that is an $8 streaming-only offering, so you can't really compare the two. So if movies is your thing, Netflix is still really the best option for streaming

I hope they don't take the number down...my parents and I share an account

they're probably banking on a lot of people not even noticing...they're probably right

because either somehow it is being exploited, causing netflix to not be able to make enough money to support what they are offering at that price point, or becuase content providers are being stubborn and demanding something like this (or hiking prices to essentially force it), or some combination of the two

are they going to at least set you up for streaming+dvd by default, so I don't have to explain to my parents how to get set up for both?

he just didn't take the argument to it's final conclusion, as it is too progressive for most

that would be the best way to go, because the newer bulbs are already cheaper in cost/hour, they're just a higher initial investment. Make that price equal, and the old bulbs will go away fast

there should be no problem using them, or owning them, but there's no reason for anyone to still sell them when more efficient bulbs are available for lower prices (when talked about in cost/hour of use). I don't know why anyone is upset they can't be sold anymore

"secret compartment?"

by upgraded to windows 8, does that mean "upgradeable, when you buy windows 8", or will dell be giving everyone the upgrade?

well for OS X yes, but I can see it as at least somewhat valid in iOS (or at least, previous versions of iOS...like iOS 3 and earlier maybe)

I carry a 15" pro as well...and it is for the same reason as you. What I meant was, if I could make due with an Air or MB, I'd take the air. Of course, I can't so I don't, but I can always dream...