
I've gotten to a point where all I carry is my iPad (or computer)...very rarely do I need to actually have my book for class

they definitley feel weird...wish you could go back to the 4 finger up/down...

I think what he meant was that the file system should be integrated into the apps...that is, files are managed by the computer, and then, inside an app which can utilize them, you have access to them

they charge $30 for the upgrade, which can be used on as many macs as you'd like...vs the hundreds windows costs. They didn't remove a single feature, so nothing has been dumbed down, and I've never upgraded to an OS besides Vista (and I guess windows ME, but I was a kid, I just remember my dad complaining about the

they aren't meant to be...? You use keyboard shortcuts, or a mouse, or a trackpad. They were never intended to be used in tandem

it seems people have lost grip of the fact that they can TURN THINGS OFF if they don't like them.

they added a new way to launch apps, and a new way to switch apps, and removed nothing...in what way is that "dumbed down?"

let me get this straight, Apple, who is constantly harped on for offering only one way of doing things ("their way"), gives you multiple ways to launch and switch apps, allowing you to choose whatever you prefer, and you're complaining about having too many choices?

by adding launchpad, which isn't in any way mandatory, they turned your $2000 laptop into a $300 phone?

how would you go about getting it, since it's mac app store only?

their impressions are ENTIRELY based on user interface features that one writer didn't like...who then decided to claim no one needs lion because he doesn't like the UI tweaks...

I'd imagine since you can only get lion from the mac app store, doing so would be tricky because you'd need some way to patch it BEFORE it's even installed...

I'm not sure if you are still in college or not, but I can tell you that at least for me, I'd take the air over the macbook because the macbook only offers marginal improvement over the air, and when you're walking 20 minutes both ways to a lot of your classes, the weight difference is pretty significant. The battery

If it wasn't for the fact that I need this 15" monster MBP for film school, I'd love to have a macbook air...much better for lugging around campus. I currently take my iPad to class for notes (gotta love evernote) because it's light and easy to lug around

Then I guess I'm not worried about it...they're 2gb each too, so I've got 4gb of dedicated video RAM.

no, you aren't at all. I was clearly completely out of it when I wrote this...I was thinking my number was 885, not 285, and yet I typed it right...

Does this mean DX11 card OR GTX 460 or better? Or is the GTX 460 a DX11 card? Because if so, NVidia has some confusing naming schemes...my GTX 285's are not DX11 as far as I know, which would make them worse than the 460, but they're also worse than the 295's...wtf

It's actually yahoo that's ahead, not bing (according to this)

well I am really excited for all the new things, I was just playing devils advocate. I personally can't wait for it

yes but then why upgrade