
you mean...bluetooth headphones?

I wish...but no

apparently not...the few times they did a CGI human face in the movie looked so bad I laughed out loud...all the money they spend on action (and what looked like a 2 million dollar transforming title), and their human CGI looked like a college film students weekend project

nope, just replaced them

you forgot the fact that they replaced the hip hop robots with gangster (the 1960's kind) robots, and that transformers now (randomly?) bleed (presumably to drive home the point that, no, none of these things are miraculously coming back to life this time)...oh, and they drool too

...but he's not. what I got from the last hour or so of the movie is he's got an overinflated opinion of himself, and he never really does anything at all...just runs from battle to battle and gets in more trouble, making the autobots have to stop to help him

her lips are full of collogen, what do you expect?

not true, she was JUST slightly better than megan fox

who cares about plot, its a mindless summer action thriller?

I'm all for minimal designs, but did it really take a Porsche Design team to go "lets make a rectangle out of aluminum and cram the drive in there?"

thats why they need to go to a system like microsoft uses for windows phone 7 apps...as far as i've seen, any app that costs money has a free trial, and it isn't a "lite" version...when you view the app, you can either buy or download trial. As far as I know, its a requirement

"When WP7 Mango hardware is announced, there could be a distinct lack of home, search, menu and back buttons"

because it's marketed so well...and scientists with nothing better to do keep "proving" that tap water is "dangerous" and only bottled water is really clean enough to drink...

I guess I misunderstood this bit of your post

i was referring to bottled water. I drink tap water too, but I know lots of people prefer bottled water

I was more referring to the fact that aspartame becomes formaldehyde at high heat (read - in your stomach)

hasn't just about every android phone been the best android phone when first released? and then ancient crap the next day?

and of course, since I got it, every time I go to parallell park, I can just pull right in...as soon as you get something, you don't need it anymore. haha

its expensive at restaurants...its literally cheaper than water at most grocery stores

a friend, party, or restaurant will pretty much always have a sink...