those things are great, and the end result tastes better than most bottled waters
those things are great, and the end result tastes better than most bottled waters
those fake sugars in diet pop are pretty dangerous too
the more you drink those, the more you'll start to not care for sugary sodas, and then you'll find yourself drinking carbonated mineral water (san pellegrino is my favorite). I started drinking italian sodas last winter, progressively asking for less and less flavored syrup, and now I'm addicted to carbonated mineral… least we're down from 2005, right guys? right?
so what you're saying is...we need an iCar
I agree, but i'd like something like that just to see how much better it really is...
while I agree this is pretty thoughtful and would have been even more cool if you could toggle them
Now I'm wondering wether this will be reasonable enough suspicion for authorities to arrest these people...or will they investigate them first. Because if they use this as warrant for an arrest (not that Lulzsec shouldn't go to jail), it's kinda messed up...the "A Team" could publish info for anyone and basically fuck…
does the trailer for halo 4 make you feel nauseous?
call me crazy, but that guy on the end (and maybe the one with the champagne glass too, if he's not wearing a 3-button) should have his bottom button unbuttoned...
theaters aren't fined for allowing children into R-rated movies...not by the government at least. Maybe by the parent company...
I absolutely loved GTA IV. I thought it did a great job of legitimizing the series, really making it something more than just an open world crime sim. The story was pretty good, and the satirical parts were smart. When it was all said and done, I felt like the game was at least TRYING to say something. I was impressed
a better question...will restricting the sale of violent games to minors DO anything? It's already the parents who are buying the games and giving them to the kids...that would just keep on happening