
a lack of any sort of modern, interesting, or "cool" design apparently...thinkpads are ugly as shit

can the alienware really light up all those different colors, and all at once?

i think the biggest problem with biometrics in the case is the fact that it is on the internet...biometrics can be effective for security because, although your print is just 1's an 0's, if its a closed system, you need physical access to hack in and obtain those 1's and 0's. If you are using the same method on the

right, but wouldn't that require them knowing your cell number, service provider, ect?

im not sure for credit cards, but if you're using debit, you could essentially run a one time transaction through your bank...basically get a bank check for the purchase, get a code for that bank check, then enter that code on the website

what about cell authentication? Log in, get a text, enter the code...sucks for people who lose their phone, but, in an event like this, a hacker would need your email and password, find a match on a website, AND have access to your phone...thats virtually impossible

so wait, their entire business model is based around writing songs and producing music videos that rich people pay for their daughters to perform, and yet that price doesn't include purchasing the rights to the finished product?

well she didn't specify what he was accused of...I could accuse you of secretly being a sentient hippopotamus right now, and calling you accused would technically be true, even if you weren't actually charged with hippopotamusism yet

things like the tiny power indicator flashing on the macbook pros (the one on front that is hidden behind the aluminium but still shines through), that almost no one even knows is there, that jonathan ives talked about how long and hard they worked on...thats the "design that doesnt matter" they are talking about

so you have no use for resume, or file versioning, autosave (goes along with versioning really), airdrop, improved disk encryption...etc.?

I believe they mean "google apps" which, on the desktop, are apps, and all have corresponding actual apps on android phones

when I read #8, at first I thought that meant the people who own RIM don't want to use blackberries...that would be very bad

I have a Focus...its basically the same phone with a different OS and case, and it definitely feels great in the pocket. I was referring to the 5" screen you mentioned...that seems like it'd be overkill...especially in 510's

@pdj79 I guess that makes sense somewhat, but if the person really cares about the quality of the file, they'll take the time to steal higher quality music...its out there

I really don't understand why this young man thought he had to resort to murder to get money, what with his impeccable english skills

right, but for the end consumer, there really is no difference. I found it very difficult to root my friends samsung fascinate (granted, we were doing it from a mac, and the root software doesnt seem to be as easily accessible on that platform), and every time I tried to have the root go, it failed. Further research

its a joke...as in, why aren't we showing the actual movie? Because its in swedish and no one in the US will understand it?

Whats even worse is when parents name their sons with the female spelling of the male name (i don't remember my specific example, but I know I've seen it)

5" screen? are these your pants?

thats the genius part...they don't host anything pirated. They match it to your library, and use their own file. If its not in iTunes, THEN they'll host it for you...but at that point, getting them in trouble for it would be almost impossible. Services like dropbox are no doubt FILLED with stolen files, but they