by letting pirates sync their songs over the air instead of with a wire, it is "legitimizing piracy?" by letting pirates sync their songs over the air instead of with a wire, it is "legitimizing piracy?"
well I wasn't debating the fact that more can be removed more easily from android...but there are people who will say you can remove any app from android you want (with root), and then knock the iPhone for not allowing you to remove stocks, etc without jailbreak...its the same thing
wow you're right...slightly embarrassed I overlooked that. EIther way though, the storage of apps doesn't take place in the memory, so wherever they happened to be, it wasn't causing an issue with the RAM
he's had special guests in the past too...seems like the artists don't really care about this stuff, just the asshole record companies
even worse (for the person in question at least) than all the hilarious lip syncing videos is the fact that this seems to apply to things like cover bands as a cover band can't use youtube to advertise (as in, show their videos easily to potential customers), or to "get found" by recording companies
by that logic, nothing is undelete-able on iPhone either...
the EVO has 512mb of RAM...when it was released, that was an industry leading amount. The EVO was not a device that was "starved" for RAM...
good point. I guess I was thinking of these as meals that were meant to be brought home
well, it does have ice in it...who puts ice in a family sized beverage container?
wendys has insultingly large beverages
why not just sell 2 liters then? I mean, who throws ice in a family size beverage?
good luck finding a computer store where you can just grab the computer you want and take it to the cashier...
was he using slugs? Because otherwise, did he not realize that the whole concept of a shotgun is that there's a spread, and he couldn't get laser precision to remove just a wart?
HTC seems to be wielding software like HP wields ink
really? because I'm pretty sure they LITERALLY SHOWED iMESSAGES ON THE iPAD IN THE VIDEO
dont most of them follow their own continuity? The more recent ones at least?