Just like some douchey tech bro's kid to have access to a massive printer and laminating machine.
Just like some douchey tech bro's kid to have access to a massive printer and laminating machine.
Fuck off
This seems like a lot of work just to be able to put a 26.2 sticker on his car.
Sounds fair. Though as the article’s investor “suspect list” shows, all the known clickbait-y content mills get big funding from these types. Seems worth assuming that an independent Grantland, likely attracting large numbers of men ~22-45 with at least Bachelor’s degrees, would be well worth their investment.
But see, y’all don’t know who is funding it. So it’s not really reporting per se. It’s more of a list of who isn’t funding it, which I find uninteresting. You know who also isn’t funding the Ringer? The Pope! Dennis Rodman! That kid from Jerry Maguire! Boom, I reported.
You undercut this point by condescendingly calling The Ringer “Bill Simmons’... new blog” in the title. Forgive him if he didn’t realize you meant to say “Bill Simmons’ new potential entertainment media behemoth.”
But why does this matter? Grantland was great and I'm happy at least some semblance of it has returned
“Smelling like alcohol” and “having watery eyes” should not get your picture all over the Internet as guilty of DUI.
Switzerland, Sweden and Norway are in the top 10 of all countries in guns per capita and their gun deaths are DRASTICALLY lower than ours. This is not simply a “guns = bad” equation.
Let’s see how anti-gun you are when someone is breaking into your house to rob you and possible hurt your wife and children. Oh and they have a gun because a ban on guns does nothing to keep bad people from having them. You want to fight them hand to hand with a baseball bat? People need to be held accountable for…
Yes, if we educate people with mental issues how to use guns better, they wouldn’t commit mass shootings.
Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud. Guns are never going to be banned. Gun education and awareness is a better idea.
To be fair, they’re both sanctimonious douches.
Unhappy Nick Foles is skipping Rams OTAs. Can you blame an American for being mad when someone comes in and takes his job? Sad!
He’s touring the country selling his new bottled meat line.
Seeking new revenue streams are a natural reaction to owing more money than you’re worth to an angry, leathery, orange former professional wrestler.
You say it like Hillary didn’t break her agreement to debate Bernie again before California.
so because she refused a debate, the mean ol mens shouldn’t have one? lol, the old lady had her a chance and she took her ball and went home, so fuck her.